True Love

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This story is dedicated to my dearest, (EMPHASIS ON COMMENT AFTER DEAREST) InfinityPancakess , the best boo in the world.

Ahem. Now for the good part. Enjoy!


My friend set me up for a blind date. I HATED blind dates. It didn't help that I didn't know the guy's name, or even what he looked like. But my friend told me to trust him, and I did. 

I smiled to the mirror, straightening my tie. I was worried to be too formal for a little coffee shop meetup, but I would feel awkward not dressing up. I made sure my feathers were all combed back before grabbing my keys and leaving my house. 

I waddled into the cafe, looking around nervously. I decided to order a latte to drink while I was waiting, as I didn't see anyone who could be a potential date. I squeaked up to the counter and placed my order with extra whipped cream. The barista grinned widely, and I couldn't help but smile back. I had to admit, the boy was cute. His fluffy hair looked extremely soft, and, even though he was wearing an apron, I could tell that he had an expert fashion sense. And I didn't even mention his voice!

Oh, his voice! It's like melted caramel oozing into your mouth, like an ice cube on a burning hot day, like water off of a duck's back. He could read the dictionary out loud and I would sit around until he got to the last of the Z's.

"Sir?" I snapped out of my daydream as the man waved his hand in front of my beak. 

"Sorry! What did you say?"

"Could I have a name for your order?" 

"Oh, yes. R.D."

"Are those initials? How mysterious..." He said, winking at me. Was he... flirting? With me? Too bad I already had a date.

"Heh. No, actually. Just a nickname. My full name is Rubber Duck McMadden," I said, my cheeks red in embarrassment. The man feigned surprise. 

"Not so mysterious after all, huh?" He slid my drink across the counter. I smiled. 

"Not so mysterious after all," I agreed. "Have a nice day!" I waved, taking my cup and walking to a table. 

"Hold up!" He yelled, and I turned around. He took off his apron and hung it up on a peg on the wall. "I believe you're forgetting about your date!" I cocked my head, confused. 

"I'm sorry, what?"

"My name is Daveed Diggs, I'm your blind date. Please, take a seat. Now, tell me about that interesting nickname of yours..." He looked into my eyes and I melted. I could immediately feel the connection between us. I knew that I would spend the rest of my life with this blind date. 


You're welcome to everyone who read that. I've made your day 1200% better. 

I might update this in like 5 years 

goodbye peeps -Leni

Rubber Ducky, You're the One ( A Daveed Diggs X Rubber Duck fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now