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I sat hunched over with my thumb up, staring blankly into the night. Car after car drove by, too busy to notice a 16-year-old girl possibly having the worst night of her life. But how are they supposed to know? My life is as useless to them as much as theirs is to me. I know this, yet I sit here and somehow hope, hope for any type of kindness. I wonder when I'll finally stop hoping and praying for things, all it ever does is hurt me.

Still sitting there, I wrap my arms around my knees and tuck my head in. The first rebellious tear escaped and caressed my face as others followed. Memories from tonight suddenly burst into my mind like a breaking dam.  I began to sob and weep. I've been beaten, raped, and much more but tonight was different. But I didn't want to think about it anymore so I grabbed my forest green bag and abruptly rose to my feet. Looking both ways before I cross the street, I headed towards the only place I knew to go. The only place I feel safe and loved, Braden's place.

Braden is my best and only friend in this world. We met at Oakside park when I was 14 and he was 16 it was one of the times my parents had beat me and kick me out. I was at the park so I could cool off and find a warm-ish place to sleep that night. I was startled when blue flashing lights and howling sirens slash through the peaceful darkness. My first instinct was to hide, so I ran to the nearest slide in the playground. I scrambled up the ladder and hid in the closest corner. I didn't notice him until I heard the acute click of his gun.

Crouched in the opposite corner of me was a 16-year-old boy dressed in all black, with his hood pulled up and his long dark hair covering half of his face. He's deep green eyes beamed through the dark shadows. "I – I am so sorry I didn't know you were in here I just heard the police and I don't know why but I had the urge to hide when I have no reason to hide. I'm so so sorry just please don't kill me." I said in one breath as I started to cry. "Hey, it's OK. I'm not going to kill you. I just thought you were the police... Please stop crying." he replied and instantly put the gun away."I don't – "I manage to get out before he kept his hand over my mouth and put his finger up to his lips.

We sat there staring into each others eyes as bright flashlight beans cut through the park wondering around. The shadows slowly dissipated as the lights got closer and I finally got to see the boys face. He had a slender yet square face and his jaw is as sharp as a cold winter breath. His hair a dark brown, so brown it looked black. His half full lips were a light shade of pink, with a small smirk played across his face. I looked back into his eyes and blushed when I realize he noticed me staring at him and that the cops were long gone.

He slid down the slide and held out his hand for me. "What's a girl like you doing out here. Shouldn't you be sound asleep, having sweet little dreams about your perfect little life. "He mocked once I made it down the slide. Normally I would snap and tell him that I don't have sweet dreams and I definitely don't have a perfect life, but I'm not in the mood right now so I simply reply with, "My parents kicked me out and I have nowhere to go. "My voice cracked at the end and I let a single tear shed again. I sniffed the chilled air to hold the rest back. "OK." He said, "I know someone you can stay with for a little bit. She's not the best but she owes me a favor anyway." He said with a soft voice and took my hand to lead the way.

We walked in silence and continue to hold hands. I began to think he looked familiar, but from where? I know I haven't seen him at school. The newspaper! That's where I've seen him before. He is the most wanted kid in L. A.! His name is Braden White. I was about to speak up but he beat me to it. "I know you know who I am.... so why haven't you screamed or ran away or fought back. You haven't acted the least bit scared since I put the gun away. "

"I've had a rough life. There's nothing you can do to me that hasn't been done." I stated, we came to a stop in front of a broken apartment. If it wasn't for the light trying to make it through the mucky window it would look lifeless. The small one story apartment looked like a rundown and miss used old toy. He held the door open for me gentlemanly like. He walked in after me and shut the door behind him. "Stay right here, I'll be back in a minute." He said as he walked down the hall backwards, turning after he finished his sentence. I took the opportunity to look around the house. There wasn't much to look at. Antique wallpaper was almost peeled off the walls and a dark green couch, slumped in the middle with dark stains, was placed against the farthest

"Mmmmm looks like they got a new girl. I want a go at her." Said a guy that just walked in. "No, I call her first!" His friend said staring back at me with hunger. I knew what they were talking about and I had finally realize this was a prostitute house. I should have known better than to trust the most wanted kid in L. A.  As I was thinking, I didn't even notice they stop bickering like kids fighting over a toy and started to head towards me. I tried to get further until my back bumped against the wall. No not again please no not after tonight. The first guy started attacking me in placing his arms and both sides of me and slid his hand up my shirt. No please! He continued and lifted me up to take me to the couch he quickly slipped my shirt off and roughly pressed his sloppy wet lips against mine.

When he is suddenly thrown off of me, I was slightly hoping it would be Braden, the dark knight here to save the damsel in distress, but reality is too cruel. I guess the second guy got tired of waiting his turn to use the toy. He was in the middle of unhooking my bra when the first child picked him up and threw him against the crusty wall. I didn't bother waiting a round to see how the fight between the two ended. I quickly grabbed my shirt and held my hand against my chest to hold up my bra and ran down the hall. I looked through all the open doors for Braden, but I never found him. I sat at the corner of a stairway and began to sob.

Like I said reality is too cruel. I sat at the bottom of the steps for 30 minutes before anyone found me and when they did, they just ignored me and went on with life like I was nothing. I don't blame them though, I am nothing. Everything that happens, I deserve. I finally get over myself, hook my bra, and put my shirt back on. I got up and walked out the door aimlessly wandering around the foggy streets of L. A. I didn't bother waiting for Braden, it was obvious he didn't care about me as much as I thought. He left me. He left me there to be treated just like that apartment, an old misused toy.

I heard footsteps echo against the hollow alley walls and began to panic. Everywhere I go, I somehow get into trouble. I must have done something really bad in my past life and karma is finally getting back at me. I began to walk faster, but not fast enough. I felt a hand wrapped around my shoulders and spin me around. People come and go, and when most people leave they don't come back. So when I turned to see Braden with a worried expression sketched on his face you can understand why I was surprised.

"Go away." I said even though I truly wanted him to stay and protect me. I turned to walk away again but he got in in front of me. "Why did you leave? I just made a deal with Roxy so that you could stay a good couple nights. I try to be nice and help you out and you just leave?! This is why I don't do things for people they take it for granted!" I just stood there, shocked. I was a steaming pot of tea by now! "I was waiting like you told me to, and while I did I was molested by two guys who thought I was a prostitute. And when I finally got away you were nowhere to be found. I waited by the stairs for you 30 minutes and you never came. But then again why should I expect you to come save me?" I said with a calm venom lacing my voice. It was his turn to be shocked and he stood there quietly staring at me.

"I – I...I'm so sorry. This shouldn't have happened and it's my fault. You can stay with me if that makes up for anything." He genuinely apologized. "Sure." That's all I can say, I wanted to say more, but that would just mean the longer we stood in this freezing alley and I just wanted to take a shower and go to bed. So he grabbed my hand and lead the way for the second time tonight.

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