III. Jehovah

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i truly believe that putting God at the core of your relationship is key. we are living in his world. the amount of happiness, success, and comfortability we can achieve when we follow God with our partner is amazing. i have seen relationships blossom and overflow with blessings because of two people's love for God and His word. it's a beautiful world out there when you're chasing God.

with this belief, my girlfriend and i are beginning our journey with God. we both sat down one day and took the time to listen and understand each other's viewpoint on it. the results of that conversation made me feel good inside.

"let's do it." she said. i couldn't begin to tell you the feeling i felt hearing those words. actually, she told me that she was thinking about it lately and wondered how i felt about. expressing this to each other and coming to an agreement was our first step. see, it's not easy talking to anybody about something of this degree. some will come up with excuses as to why it's impossible. then there's those people who completely turn their head from it without consideration. absolutely nothing is impossible with God.

the second step in our journey is prayer. we pray together on Facetime (long distance). our prayers are sent before we fall asleep. it's the little things like this that mean so much. a third step is daily devotion. before our joint commitment to God, Jade (my girlfriend) actually started her own daily devotion via Bible app. she introduced me to the app and since then we have devoted time out of our days to his word. i am very proud of the progress we've made and the direction we are headed. a beautiful woman committed to God and his word is a woman every man needs.

growing with God is the best decision i've ever made besides sharing this experience with you. our Lord and Savior can do all things. sometimes putting your trust in God and laying your needs at his feet is a choice worth making. chasing God comes with obstacles because your faith will be tested. however, we have to remind ourselves that nothing is impossible for our God. king of kings. lord of lords. remember.

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