Start of something new

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It wasn't the perfect day for Star and Marco they were wiped out from fighting with Ludo but Star noticed Marco's behavior had changed a little ever since him and tom hung out he kept on seeing him every day and every night for the past few weeks. Star was unsure of Marco's behavior and asked him about him and tom's date, " Marco?" Star questioned . Marco looked over at her as he was making nachos " Yea star?" he asked putting cheese onto the nachos, " are you okay? You've been acting kinda of odd...lately I've been hearing you in the bathroom...are you alright?" She asked him, Marco nodded and eat some nachos " I'm fine I just had a small bug last night" he said with a soft smile. Star looked at him blankly " Marco..." She said lowly, Marco. Marco looked at her as he sat down on the couch. Star frowned and sat down next to him and kept on looking at her best friend " What did you and Tom do on  your date?" She asked, Marco blushed and looked away " W-well...U-Uh..." he started to say, Star blinked and gasped covering her mouth in shock " did you?" she asked. Marco blushed deeply and nodded Star let out a squeal and shook Marco as she grabbed him on the shoulders " that means your gonna have a baby!!" She said jumping up and down on the couch, Marco chuckled " well Yea..." he said laughing, Star giggled " Does Tom know yet?" She asked, Marco shook his head no, Star frowned " You Should!" She said with excitement. Marco smiled and nodded " but how can I reach him?" he asked, " Use my Phone Wall  thing!" She said. Marco nodded and left to go upstairs and calls Tom.

His face popped up on the screen " Marco?" He asked, Marco rubbed the back of his head " Hey Tom...I-I...U-Uh H-Have to tell you something" he said softly, Tom Nodded " Sure what is it?" He asked, " Well know our date we had a few weeks ago?" he asked, Tom Nodded " Yea What about it?" he asked . Marco gulped " Well I-I'm...P-Pregnant" He said lifting up his shirt and showing was his Pudgy stomach which looked  like he swallowed a Basketball . Tom's eyes widen " Whoa...I did that!?" He asked shocked, Marco nodded and laughed " We both did" He blushed, Tom blushed " Does Star know?" He asked, Marco nodded " Yes I told her and she is okay with it I think she ships us" He laughed. Tom Smiled " I'll be over soon I'm glad we started a family I won't let anyone hurt you Marco" He said, Marco smiled " Same Tom" He said " I Love you Marco" Tom said with a Smile. Marco smiled back and put his hand on the screen " I Love you too Tom" He said softly before hanging up.

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