So UnderCover!!! (Jason McCann)

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The track blurred below me as I felt a surge of adrenaline.

The steady thump of my footsteps echoed in my ears and I felt a bead of sweat roll down my forehead.

I swiftly turn the corner feeling her feet slam against the damp, cold pavement,

All I can hear is my breathing getting worse,

As I finally see the tall man in front of me that I've been running after him for hours,

 I reach out for him gasping for breath but excitedly,

I feel a foot Come in contact with my ankle,

making me hit the floor harshly,

As I hiss, Groan and Growl in pain.

I quickly jump to my feet looking around cautiously,

My heart beating faster than normal, My hands shake intensively. 

"Who's there" I yell loudly and clearly clenching her fists.

Looking around quickly, Before I feel to big hands pressed to my shoulders pinning my to the wall roughly,

My vision blurs as I groan loudly trying to figure out who it is. 

"What the hell man" I screech angrily

Knowing the person I was chasing has vanished in the matter of seconds.

"I demand you tell me who you are." I ask again frustrated as I squint my eyes to see an old looking man, Mid 40's. 

His hand's still roughly holding me to the wall as I glare coldly at him.

"My name's Charlie I'm from the FBI, I'm here to get you. Your my mission" He finally say's, looking me dead in the eye's. 

But what dose he want with me?

Why did he stop me from chasing that guy?

Why did the FBI want me? 

Those three questions ran through my mind over and over again.

I raise and eye brow looking at him for a few seconds like his crazy. 

"I'm sorry but you probably got the wrong girl" pushes him off of her with all her strength,

Before he flips me over pinning me to the floor...Placing a cloth over my mouth.

I struggle quickly trying not to breath the toxic fumes in,

I shake my head quickly trying to get out of his grip panicking gets the best of me as I take a deep breath in, Instantly falling unconscious.


I hope you guy's like the first chapter it is my first story so please do not hate

Please heart and comment, Tell me your views 


Chapter 2 

I quickly looked around the abanded room, licking my lips softly, My senses slowly coming back, sight first, I could see damp walls the room looked clean, There was a small window that was parted open the window was square and you couldn't fit through it, I sighed, hearing people arguing down the hall. My senses came back one by one, I stiffened in my chair, hearing someone walk in the room, not being ableto see them, from him/her behind me.

I tilted my head slowly."Lame ass move, What next?" I frowned, scooting around in my chair.

"You join me. or die" his husky voice ran through my ears, hearing him chuckle darkly.

I shook my head quickly, knowing he can't be apart off the fbi, the fbi would of handled things more proficonial than this, who knows who I'm messing with. I'm going to have to agree with them, I can't get my self hurt, I can't afforf it. 

I sighed licking my lips "What do I get in return?" I mumbled.

I could sense a smirk appear on his lips, still not knowing who this guy was.

"You get anything you want. Money?" He leaned down next to my ear "I could get you a scolaship" He started to walk to my veiw, before walking in the other direction. I groaned, sinking in my chair. I kind of did need the money. 

I turned my head slowly, looking down seeing his shoes, slowly, looking up to his hid face

"I need the money." I nodded slowly, trying to recognise his face, shaking my head. 

He smirked "Your going back to school" 

So UnderCover!!! (Jason McCann)Where stories live. Discover now