Chapter One: Welcome To Auradon Prep

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This is it. My first day at Auradon Prep. Hi, I'm Jasmine, long lost daughter of Dopey. Yes, that means I'm Doug's sister but, I can't tell anyone. I'm afraid if I tell anyone that I'm Dopey's daughter they're going to treat me differently so I have a cover story. I was born on the Isle as the daughter of Madame Unique, the most secret villain out there. The catch is that I made her up, when I was five I had an imaginary friend, Unique. She always did her own thing, did art on the walls. She was basically my cover story when I did something bad. How did I get to the Isle if I was born in Auradon? I snuck away when King Beast was going to Isle to seal the border and have a ceremony for them. It was stupid but I went anyway.

Once he left I snuck into the corners and tunnels of the Isle, lucky I had someone who took care of me. Caption Hook. Yes it was weird at first but, he warmed up to me and now, I'm on my way to Auradon Prep.

"Bye Dad!" I exclaimed to him. "Bye Daughter! Bring back those gold coins!" He exclaimed back. He took his hook and put it in front of his face. I took my index finger and made a hook and did the same thing. He smiled and I got into the limo. "Ready?" The limo driver asked me. "Ready as I'll ever be." I said. He nodded and off we go to my old home. I looked around the limo and saw all sorts of candy. I sighed in all. I haven't had real candy since I left Auradon. All they had in the Isle was dirty candy. Candy covered in dirt, covered in spit, covered is armpit sweat which is covered in baby slobber. Talk about yuck.

I grabbed some candy, ate some candy, stole some candy. I did everything with that candy.

I"We're here!" The limo driver said. I smiled and looked out the window seeing Doug in the band, Ben with Mal waiting for me to get out the car. I smiled. I got out the car and and inhaled the beautiful clean air. Much different from the Isle's air. "Ben!!" I exclaimed hugging him. "Um, hello to you too?" He said. I let go. "You don't remember me?" I asked quietly. "I'm sorry what?" I shook my head out of my thoughts. "Never mind! Uh, where's Doug?" I asked him looking around since I saw him just a couple minutes ago. "Um Doug? How do you know Doug?" He asked me. "Uh, Evie told me everything. We're as you can say sisters." I said with a wink. "Why did you wink?" Mal asked me. "What's with all these questions? I just wanna see Auradon Prep!" I chuckled nervously. I received suspicious looks from Mal and Ben. I shrugged it off and skipped inside.

I was shocked with awe as I walked inside. It was so clean and preppy. You can tell Mrs.Belle and Mr.Beast wrote the blueprints. There's just a bit of everything here. A little bit of Fairy Godmother, just a bit of Belle and Beast, Ben and surprisingly the VK kids. I smiled and walked around the campus. "Hey! Hey you!" A voice said. I stopped dead in my tracks. "Where's your tour guide?" He asked in a Texan accent. "I know that fake cheesy accent." I turned around. "Carlos?!" I exclaimed hugging him. He spun me around. "How are you squirt!" He asked me. I playfully pouted. "I ain't no squirt!" He placed his elbow on my head. "Oh really?" I crossed my arms. "Your annoying Carlos." He chuckled. "You know you love me." I blushed. I took his arm off my head. "Uh. I gotta go." I ran to the field.

Evie's POV

"Was that who I think it is?" I asked Carlos walking up to him. He turned to me. "Yup! It's Jasmine but, she's acting a little weird." He said. I tilted my head in confusion. "How?" He shrugged. "I don't know but I can tell somethings bugging her." "Bugging who? Jasmine?" Mal asked. "It's like your physic!" Carlos exclaimed. She chuckled. "It's a gift. Where is she anyway?" Mal asked. "Tourney Field. Wanna join her?" We nodded and followed Carlos to the field. "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8!" We heard Audrey exclaim. We looked at the field and saw all the cheerleaders and couldn't find Jasmine. "Guys over here!" Carlos whispered. We followed him to the bleachers and snuck up behind Jasmine. She was peacefully watching the cheer practice when Carlos and Mal exclaim, "Boo!" She jumped and her eyes jumped out of her head. She started panting. She looked behind and rolled your eyes. "Oh it's just you guys." We smiled. "Welcome to Auradon Prep." Carlos said. "Yeah Yeah. Do you think I can make it into cheer?" She asked us. "Huh." We all said. "Yeah I could see it. What about you guys?" Mal asked. I nodded. "Totally!" She turned to Carlos. "Carlos?" She asked him. He thought for a sec. "Hmm, why don't you ask Audrey?" She shook her head. "Nope! Not gonna. Too shy!" She exclaimed. Mal scoffed. "Pat-Lease. When you arrived you just went up and hugged Ben!" She said. "Yeah but I already knew him!" She exclaimed. She covered her mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2017 ⏰

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