Chapter 2

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Sam's P.O.V
     "RISE AND SHINE, SAMMY," yells Dean.
I sit up abruptly, almost bumping my head on the low ceiling.
     He grins. "Did you really think I was gonna let you sleep in this long without waking you," he asks. I stare slightly irritated.
     "It's 6am, Dean," I say. I turn and open the blinds, "the sun isn't even up yet!"
     He stops for a moment facing the other direction. Then he turned around and threw our hunting bag on my lap.
     "Well, then we can watch the sunrise on our way to Selinsgrove," he responds.
I wait, confused. "Why Selinsgrove," I ask. We've never been there before.
     "Really? I thought with all your," he mimes typing on a keyboard, "you'd know already," he says.
     I shake my head. I hadn't heard anything happening anywhere in Pennsylvania in ages.
     "Well, they've had 8 missing persons in 2 weeks," he says, "sounds like our kind of business."
     "I don't know, maybe," I say. I'm doubtful, but we haven't had a case in weeks.
     I start packing my things, much to Dean's delight.
     "Good, you've decided to come with. Not that I was going to let you stay behind. You need to be on the hunt again. It's good for you," he says.


     The Impala zooms down the road. We're probably going over the speed limit, so I'm keeping an eye out for people crossing streets.
    Selinsgrove seems to be a very quiet and peaceful. I'd live here if we weren't on the road so much.
    All of a sudden I see a beautiful girl standing on the side of the road. She looks like she is going to turn but at the last moment she crosses the street. We are zooming right at her.
     "Dean! Dean! There's a girl in the road," I yell.
     It takes a moment for him to realise what I said. At the very last second he inches the car to the side. I still think we are going to hit her.
     We zoom past, barely missing her. We were only about an inch away from hitting her. I look back.
     She paused staring after us, and then continues across the road.
     I fall back in my seat and sigh with relief. That could've been ugly. We move on down the road and yet I can't help but wonder who that beautiful girl was.


     We arrive outside a bar. The parking lot is already crowded with cars. We park and hop out. We've already changed into our FBI suits and gotten our badges ready. I open the door and step inside, Dean following close behind.
     I look around. The bar is very busy even though it's only 6 in the afternoon. Dean heads toward the bar, probably to seduce some waitress.
     I follow not watching where I'm going. When we reach the bar I look up. There she is! The girl from the road! She stands in front of my wearing an outfit that shows a lot. She must feel uncomfortable in it it. Because her arms are crossed in a way that covers most of her chest. She has long, dark, curly hair and forest green eyes. She's beautiful.
     "Hello. I'm Dean Smith, FBI. And this is my partner Sam Smith," says Dean. He reaches out to shake her hand and then I do the same.
"I'm. Cassidy, but you can call me Cass if you want to," she says. Dean chuckles to himself at the thought of calling both her and Castiel the same nickname.
     Dean looks at me, it's my turn to talk.
     "W-we're here investigating the missing people," Dean elbows me. He notices my stutter. I can't help but stare at her. I must look like a creep.
     I clear my throat, "Have you heard anything?"
     She laughs a bit noticing how flustered I am.
     "No, I haven't heard much," she says, "we usually don't get much trouble here."
     "It seems like a nice town," says Dean.
     "Yeah," she responds. She looks at the clock, "Sorry guys, but my shifts over and I'd better be heading home. Nice meeting you."
     "You too," I say. I don't want her to go. I might not ever see her again.

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