On the street no longer summer, 14 October! All the trees are almost no leaves. The weather was terrible all day had a strong and cold wind was kind of like rain. On the streets of a small town where everyone knows everyone, no one was there. Although not far from the city somewhere for a couple of kilometers on the side of the road stood the bike from him for a couple of meters away stood a girl who did not know what to do and how to live. All this is due to the fact that to whom it is the most trusted betrayed her. She was alone in the big world. But life does not ostonavlivaetsya, the only thing that remains is the trace of the pain that will never go away from the life of the creature.
The girl for himself long ago decided. What she would never who will not give the keys to your heart or soul. Pain which is now at the heart of a young lady just will not go away. Now she only trusts himself. Schetaet It is the only chance not to do something is very wrong. Over the past 12 hours the girl came up with a variety of options suicide. The only thing that it is the word ostonavlivaetsya late mother who died four years ago. It was October 14 4 years ago heart sick women and vyberzhalo ostonovilos. The poor woman was fighting for the life of 2 years, but fate decided to play by different rules. The last thing she said to her little girl who was then only some 16 years, is "Live, hear me live In spite of my death live If you decide to do something with my life to remember me And then I fought for!.. this life. I do not see the sun, the sea, the rain, and most importantly, I do not see you, Chris. " After these words the girl for crying like crying Only those who have seen and felt the death of the closest people. An hour after she left the hospital, she called the doctor and told the most terrible news for her life
"Please accept my saboleznovanie, but your mother could not stand the heart. Your father, we reported ...." then she did not hear all that was now her mind is the fact that her mother is no more. She would never see her smile, did not hear her laugh, and all because of the fact that her mother is gone, she died. She was two years imagine that it comes the day, but the most important question is how to live?
She remembered that the doctor said something about my father.? Only she does not have the pope, her mother had never told her about the fact that it exists. And now...
Her meditations interrupted by a call on the door. She decided that it would not open, but not application reviews became more insistent call to the door. So she did not yield, and she went to open. Behind the door was a man 40-45 years old with black as night hair and blue eyes, strange he looks at her.
- Hello, you ... - she could not finish because the man squeezed her in his arms and began to cry, but it was slozi happiness, not sorrow. - Who are you - start screaming about the girl, she was terrible.
- I'm sorry, I did not mean to scare you! - The man said without releasing the girl. - You look so much like her. I'm sorry for everything I did not know that you are with me. Your mother hid all.
Then everything happened dull girl does not remember the details of that day. The main thing that she remembers that she lost her mother, but she found her father.
She just stood and stared into the distance. What she wants to see and what she chose this place? All because she decided that the more she will not be back here in this town. She is leaving! After she stood there for about 2 hours she sat on his bike and went away. There is only one person who will take it at any time of the day - a father.
After he nashol it. He lived with her for about a year, but the case caused him to return to where he came from. He left, but every day, and called on every holiday priezhay to his only daughter. Who did not want to lose more than ever.
An hour later, she was in New York City.

Somewhere two o'clock I stood on the spot and decided as I do. And I decided to start life anew. I sat on his bike and went to his father. He always helps me. An hour later I was already in New York was nearly four hours in the evening. I took the phone and wrote to his father that after 30 minutes I will be with him. He lives outside the city in a small village there lived about 200-250 or more persons may be. I do not know why he chose this place. I was there only once, when I was 17 years old on the day he was officially introduced as his daughter. The road to the place I remember all my life, I do not know why. As I wrote in 30 minutes I was at the gate. There I met a guy 28 years.
- Who are you? - The guy obviously did not understand that I'm a girl. I Snell helmet. - Oh sorry, I did not know that you're a girl.
- Do not worry, I used to - I smiled. - I came to his father, he had to announce that I will come. - The only voprostitelno looked at me, not it possible that the father did not read the SMS?
- I'm sorry, but I'm nobody said anything about a party. Give me your documents and I will inform the beta - the guy said, and now it's my turn to look at him voprostitelno - this type of security chief -poyasnil.
I pulled out a driver's license and gave them to him. In addition to the top of the eye climbed when he read my name.
-You - Christine Plays - strict? - For the guy obviously nervous.
-Yes! Let's just Chris, but I do not really like your full name - I just smiled slightly and went - look, but you can not tell by my father quickly or at least, the chief of the guard?

the rapidly came to life and ran into komorku for protection. After 5 minutes he came out he gave me the documents
- You can go - he said, and bowed his head?

Why did he do it? Well, I want to see dad and went to his home, he stood at the center of this town. That's just not my father went out to meet and Filipp.ya got off the bike and ran to hug him. It became like an uncle to me.
- Hello Owl, I missed you! - A second I was in the iron embrace of Owls. Why owl, well, when I'm with him poznokomitsya watching cartoon about the owl by the name of Philip, and since then, call it so. After about 5 minutes, he released me from his embrace. - Owl and where the pope?
- That's right where the pope, why not SOVA AS THE CASE? - He pretended that offense.
- Well, the owl did not take offense, and will leave tomorrow - my words take effect, this pair too much like me to be offended for a long time.
- E do not honestly just arrived and have to leave I will not let - Philippe began to shout that all who were near turned to us, and I only laughed - Well Che you laugh, I miss you for your crayons Volchenko-no idea why, but it I always liked the nickname. But on the whole a noise gathered almost all the inhabitants of this place.
I even like some of embarrassed.
- E Philen and Th is the people gathered here? 'I asked quietly, but apparently that is not quiet enough.
- Calm down! All good, all we came to see who it is you're here Owl nazyvaesh- zasranits it began to laugh and laugh. From what I itself fell to her knees and began to laugh together with him. After about 5 minutes after we calm down hysterical rzhach.
- For a long time I did not laugh. My stomach started Hurts. - Phil started. We paid no attention to the people around us. After we had calmed down, I asked.
- Then you know someone is missing? - Phil voprostitelno only I looked - damn owl where is my father? I missed him, but he's not here. DAD! - I could not resist and loudly screamed like - DAD, YOU DE? I GO YOU SEARCH !. - Well, Che? I really miss him. But it is nowhere I have the house inspected.
I had to once again take to the streets to ask the owl.
- Phil where is my father?
- Well, you know how to say it ...
- Please tell me that he's alive and well. You are welcome
- What are you doing to her? He even outlive you. You really thought it? Simply, he'll come late in the evening he has a meeting tomorrow and we have guests. - Honestly his words that the Pope doing well as a balm for my heart.
- Thank God, and then I start getting nervous; More so do not scare me, okay?
Owl nodded, and now I only remembered by people and looked at them, they stood with round eyes and looked at me. And I like a polite person.
- Hello! My name is Chris. - I waved, and Philip said
- I beg to love and favor of Alpha's daughter, Christina фамилия - why so formal? And that means the alpha? I remember that because it was called when I was first brought here. Then I took a look at the most people all but 2 people bowed their heads. But after a few seconds, and they did everything. Where am I?

After everything that happened on the street I'm a bit lost his mood. But I picked it up, and Philip knows how ?. One phrase.
- Chris you now have an aunt and brothers will be with you.
- Hooray. Cheers I will have a brother! !! I cried for about 10 minutes until it came into the room a woman of about 30, not more. She is very beautiful, and she is pregnant. I ran to her.
- You are my aunt? -one confused and yet it has not approached Philip she did not answer.
- Er, yes - she said one is not sure it is.
- Oh sorry! I did not mean to scare you, - I looked down, I honestly did not want to scare her. Everyone is used to my character, and those who do not know me long accustomed. Well, Che? I generally cheerful. So it is necessary to go back to reality! She said nothing just hugged. It was so not accustomed to, I do not like to cuddle with other women, it is of my mother.
- Well, my name is Victoria, and I understand you as I grimaced Kristina.- by that name.
- She does not like it when they call, but Volchenok? -I Nodded.
- You can just Chris! And how do you poznokomitsya?
Follow-hour Owl and Vic told me what's going on while I was living in Huldah (I can be mistaken). I did not even notice how the house squealing car slowed down, after a few seconds the door to the room where we were opened, all sitting quietly, but I started to panic. But my isporilas panic when I saw the Pope in the doorway.
- Daddy! Hooray you came! HOORAY .- I got up from the chair, I ran twice nearly fell on the fifth point, but also ran up to his father's strong obyatiy.- so bored dads! - And then I broke down and started crying like.
They were tears of joy, and the fact that I finally feel themselves under the protection of the Pope.
- Hush Pup , what are you doing? I also skuchala- he calms me started.

I sat for about 15 minutes in the arms of his father. Then I told him everything that had happened to me. While I was telling I did not notice how she fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2018 ⏰

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