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I'm Autumn Kate Carson. Im 16 and moving to New York with my dad. I live in Texas.
I wake up to my alarm. Great. Last day in Texas. I get up and change into the outfit I left out before I packed.

I go down stairs and see my dad

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I go down stairs and see my dad. The weird thing is I have very dark hair and my dad and everyone else in the family has blonde hair. Weird? VERY.
Dad:Good morning Fall.
Fall is the nickname that he gave me because I'm very clumsy and Fall is the same as Autumn.
Autumn:Good morning
Dad:R u ready to go? I got everything packed and we will get breakfast on the way.
He walks to the car I look back in the empty house. It was my home. This is where I grew up the best memories r here.
Dad:Hey! Autumn! Time to go! We will be late!

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