Chapter 3: A Hero

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Adrien Pov:

I had a dream last night. Marinette was there and we were older. It took place in a bland apartment. I could hear the city noises from the window. I felt my hand raise.

Stop it, Stop it, please...

Just as my hand was gonna touch her rosy cheeks. She disappears. A ladybug flies through the window and I woke up. The sweats and the pants were horrible. But, the worse thing was to witness the fear in her eyes. They looked so dull and lifeless. What happened to the sapphires I admired most. I scared myself with my own imagination.

I decided to skip school today. It wasn't difficult. Gorilla drove away and I snuck out the back doors. The school should get better security. I know it's pretty surprising for the star student to skip school. It was just an impulse. Too late to go back anyways. It's probably just Chat Noir getting to me. Another identity to escape from...

Most likely, I got that dream from a movie we watched in health. The movie was called Ophelia. It was about this girl stuck in an abusive relationship. She loved the guy even though he hurt her constantly. Everyone tried to save her but, she was love struck. The abuser actually had a parent that was also an abuser. His mother disappeared too. What a coincidence. In the end, the guy goes to jail and the girl is safe. How does this movie reflect on my life? How can I protect the one I love? My future is set in stone. Maybe this is what they mean with the saying "love hurts"?

Probably Not.

I turn into a dark alley. I guess this is where I belong. Haha, get it?

"Plagg" I mumble "Claws Out" I can feel the leather rising up my legs and the cat instincts coming in. (NEKO NEKO)

Suddenly I see a silhouette.


"At last, I found you," said a soft yet, confident voice.

Pink capris and a white tee-shirt.


"Chat Noir?"


"Sorry about that" Marinette said " I though I saw Adrien walk in and I wanted to sound cool" she giggled while pulling her bangs down, anxiously. Her arms swayed cheerfully but, she looked so flustered.

"You don't need to impress him" I laugh while smirking. 

You already have my heart.

You walked into a dangerous alley just to find me. Your bright aura lights up the place and you saved me from this dark vortex. You're like a hero. And not a hero like Ladybug. It's different. You're different.

Marinette runs ahead. Her heels turn to face my way and she laughs. Not a girly laugh. A loud and obnoxious laugh. The kind that would end with an accidental snort. Both of her hand thrust forward into a thumbs-up.

"Of course I do!"

Author's Note:

I wonder how long it's been? I few weeks I suppose. I know reader's prefer regular updates but, I can't be bothereddddddddddddddd. I had to rewrite this because I accidentally deleted it. This isn't the first time... I should learn from my mistakes.

See you later babe,


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