For you....anything- Optimus

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You were waiting with Jack, Raf, and Miko waiting for your guardians who were a half of an hour late. Normally, they were a little late but not all at once.

You glanced anxiously at your watch when Jack's mom came tearing into the parking lot.

"Get in. Something has happened to the bots." She said not even getting out of the car.

"Which ones?" Jack asked as you and the others hop in the car.

"All of them."

------------------line break--------------

You reached the base to see it empty with the exception of a worried Agent Fowler. Your group ran up to him as he paced back and forth.

He quickly explained that the bots had been overpowered and captured by the Cons. Even Ratchet, who had left the base as backup.

"We have to save them!" Miko said

"We can't, at least not without Cybertroian help." answered Fowler

That was the moment when the ground bridge activated and Soundwave stepped out. The entire room seemed to hold its breath before he spoke.

"Statement: Not here to hurt you. Will help you get the Autobots back."

"How do we know we can trust you?!?" You challenged him.

"Statement: Optimus is friend. Owe him life. Was spying on Cons to help him."

"Then how exactly are we going to get them back?"

//////////////:line break:////////////////

After explaining the plan to you and forcing Mrs.Darby and Agent Fowler to stay and monitor the ground bridge, you left with your friends and Soundwave.

As soon as you bridged to the Nemesis you and the others dove for cover. After checking that the coast was clear you split into your separate groups.

You and Miko went do the hallway to your right towards the Autobot's jail cells setting up 'traps' along the way. Sticking close to the shadows you met Jack halfway there. Raf was at the monitor with Soundwave hacking into the mainframe in order to bridge you out.

You hid behind one wall while Miko and Jack hid behind another. A Con was standing a little ways from what appeared to be pure electricity that served as a door.

You gestured for Miko to get the firecracker and sprang forward from your hiding space so you were inbetween the Con and the door.

You let out a piercing whistle, getting the Con's attention, and hightailed it for the prison the Autobots were being kept in. The Decepitcon was gaining on you but, was distracted by another bang. You stopped just in front of the door and waited as the Con returned his gaze towards you.

As soon as the Con was close enough you ducked between his legs as he went flying into the electrical cage. The plan worked perfectly! The Con had knocked down the electricity so you could now go inside.

As you, Miko, and Jack stepped around the charbroiled Decepitcon the Autobots immediately looked up. Your heart soared as you looked at your guardian, Optimus. You had the biggest crush on him but, you were too worried that he didn't return your feelings to tell him.

"" rasped Arcee

"Don't talk we need to get you out of here. Raf is working on the Space Bridge to get us off of the ship." You said.

But, your luck was not that high. You turned to see the supposedly fried Con weakly pointing his gun at Miko.

"MIKO!!" you screamed pushing her aside as the Con took the shot. The blast threw you into the wall, causing you to nearly black out. You struggled to lift your head as you heard Optimus let out an enraged roar.

He broke the chains that were holding him and started beating the crap out of the Con, who abruptly offlined.

Optimus POV

I watched helplessly as my charge was thrown into the wall. There was one thing I felt in that moment and that was RAGE. No one hurt my sweetspark and got away with it. I was hopelessly in love with this human female and I accepted that.

Back to Y/N POV

You definitely felt a broken rib or two. You reached up and touched the part of your head that had been itching. Your fingers came back bloody.

Suddenly you were scooped up by a giant hand. You turned around to look into the face of your guardian and crush. He had finished freeing the others and they were reuniting with their guardians.

"We need to get to Raf, he can bridge is out." You said. Optimus nodded his head before signaling the other bots to follow. As your grouped raced towards the monitor you noticed Optimus kept glancing down at you with an unreadable expression.

As soon as you reached the monitor Raf started to bridge bots and humans alike back to base. The last thing you saw was Optimus talking to Soundwave before he too bridged back.

/////////Back at base///////////

All the bots returned and Ratchet started taking care of their injuries and yours right away. You knew you would be getting a long lecture from Optimus so you decided to lay on the couch for a while.

You stayed this way until a handsome dark haired man walked up to you. You were confused as to who he was until he spoke.

" Y/N why?" Optimus's holo form asked sitting down next to you.

"Because for you I would do anything." You answered plainly, looking away from him.

A hand gently tilted your chin towards him as Optimus smashed his lips to yours.

"As would I sweetspark, as would I"

A/n hi to whoever made it this far thanks for reading!!

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