Cast? What cast? There is no cast... I just felt like trying (and failing) to be funny... yet again...
So this is a little Q&A (question & answer for those who don't know) session with us peeps from the Library! The questions are asked by friends, fans, supporters, and can be about anything and everything really. Related to wattpad and the library, or not. Questions are in bold and who asked them (if I could remember).
If the question includes text contained in brackets [ ] , then it's been added on to clarify the question for you readers :)
1. "Why do you write boyxboy stories if you're not a gay guy yourself?"
Alex: I write them because A: I love gay romance. I love gay couples. Gay people in general have a level of my respect that's difficult to be earned, simply because being gay and being open about it takes a level of bravery (a lot of the time) that can be difficult to find. I'm bisexual (as I've said before), but I tend to prefer guys. Plus I never had a problem coming out. My parents are uber accepting (considering my father is bisexual himself, I guess it's easy). But not everybody is as lucky as I am, and it takes a lot more to be honest with the world. So I love that. And I love the different aspects that a gay romance brings versus a straight one. and B: I love writing, and I've found that I love writing LGBT stories (mainly boyxboy) over straight stories... so I stick with it :)
Laurie: I write boyxboy and i'm not gay... because boyxboy stories are hotter and frankly better than hetero stories. I mean come on! why do you read boyxboy stories if your not a gay guy? But i think there's also a little element in LGBT books, which gets me hooked. The whole coming out scenario you obviously don't get in your average Jo hetero book. I think there is also more emotion in boyxboy books than in most of the hetero books i've read. I write hetero books as well, but I'd much prefer to read/watch/write a gay book or movie.
Amy: Because I love boyxboys, and I love to write, so why not try to write a boyxboy? ;)
2. "What was the first LGBT story that you read [on wattpad] that got you interested in LGBT stories?"
Laurie: oh... the first lgbt book that I read... i think it was 'I fell in love with my brother, and he's a guy!' - I think that was the name... i don't know why i started reading it to be honest, it wasn't on the watts hot list or anything... hum... nope i got nothing, it was so long ago!
Alex: "Your My Dream" by PassioninFlames. Maddie is an awesome writer and her story really got me into reading LGBT stories, which in turn really got me into writing them more and then posting them on here. So I guess I kind of have her to thank for that too.
Amy: "They Call It INCEST, I Call It LOVE!" by Sixx_Feet_Under. It was a couple weeks after I joined Wattpad and I think I saw it in someone's library and I was curious. xD It really got me hooked and now I pretty much only read LGBT books.
3. Do you all have any gay friends [or friends/family/acquaintances in the LGBT community] in real life?
Laurie: Er... I dont have any close friends who are LGBTQPA... (well not that i know of) but of course I 'know' and have quite a few gay acquantances/ friends? If that counts. I go to college, so a lot of people who are gay tend to come out at the start of college, so I know a load of people how have come out since the start of the shool year.
Alex: Yes. It's like we attract like magnets, us wonderful members of the LGBTQPA community. I'm bisexual, my little brother is gay. My father is bisexual as well, and my mother was once in a relationship with a woman, though she says that was her "exception" to her heterosexuality. (whatever, mother)
My best friends (Tyler and Collin) are both gay. Ty's boyfriend is my good friend as well. I dated a girl (actually I've dated a couple... 3???) who was once a he. (She was awesome). I know a good number of others in the LGBT community as well, those are just the ones that I'm closest with.
Amy: None of my close friends or family are part of the LGBT-Community, but a girl that sits at my lunch table is bisexual. In my school there's only two lesbians, two bisexual girls, one transexual (FtM), and one gay boy that are out, so I don't know that many LGBT people. Although considering my high school's student population is only about 300, it's not that surprising that there are only a few LGBT people. xD
If *you* have any questions for us, send it to us in a personal message or on facebook at ... We'd be happy to answer them in the next issue!!!
The LGBT Magazine [March 2012]
RandomThe place to find all the hottest news, stories, competitions and our very own what's hot list's for LGBT stories! - As well as some random stuff related to the LGBT community here on Wattpad. Check it out - especially if you're searching for your n...