Chapter 2

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Today we didn't have rehearsals because It was Saturday, But, Addison, Asher, Hannah, Michael, Amelia, and Jordan all had school. They were all homeschooled and taught by Emma.

Alan and I just kind or hung around the house until the kids were done with school. We decided to just watch movies. We were in the middle of watching 'The Great Gatsby' when a thought crossed my mind.

"Babe?" I say and look over at Alan.

"Yeah?" He says.

"D-Do you think we should tell Addison and Asher that they aren't my children?" I ask.

"No, because they are yours" He says.

"Legally. But, Their biological mother lives right next to us" I say.

"Dani, Who was the one that sat up with them all night long when they were sick and fussy? Who was the one that gave them baths everyday and made sure they had clothes on their backs and fed them everyday? Who was the one that taught them to dance?" He says. I look down at the floor.

"Me" I answer.

"You, You were the one that was there for them every night, You are the one that has raised them for seventeen years. Not Jenna. She may be the one who carried them for 9 months but she is not their mother" He says.

"Alan, Addie looks more and more like Jenna everyday. Don't you think she's going to notice one day?" I say.

"I think that it would only hurt them if you told them the truth" He says.

"Y-You're right" I say.

"I know" He says. "And I know that you want them to know the truth, but, Maybe it's better if they don't know".

"I hate not being honest with them" I say.

"I know, It's going to be okay" He says and pulls me close to him, He kisses the top of my head.


Addison and Asher came home at 5:30. That's what time they got done with school. They were homeschooled Saturday's and Sunday's from 5:30 in the morning to 5:30 at night. Since they only did school twice a week they did it for 12 hours each day.

"Where's Amelia?" I ask as they come in the front door.

"At Jenna's. Emma gave us a project to do about a parent in our lives and since we can't all three do you and daddy, Emma said that Amelia could so Jenna as her parent figure" Addison explained.

"Sounds fun" Alan says.

"Dad, Will you help me with mine?" Asher asks.

"Yeah, Let's go" Alan says  I watch them walk up the steps. Addison sits beside me.

"Will you help me, Mom?" Addison asks.

"Of course, What do you want to know?"

"Basically your life journey from Kentucky to now" She answers.

"Okay" I say.

"Wait, Is their anything you still have from when you were growing up? Like trophies or just little keepsakes?" She asks.

"Yeah, Check my bedroom closet" I say. "I have dance trophies, and little things in it from when I was growing up".

"Great" She says. "I'll take a look". She runs up the steps. I sit downstairs alone and finish the movie. The door opened and Amelia walked in.

"Hey, Mommma" She says.

"Hey, Honey" I say. She sits next to me. I kissed the top of her head.

"Where is everybody?" She asks.

"Asher and your father are upstairs and Addie is going through some of my things for the project" I answer.

"Oh. Well, I'm going to take a shower" She says and gets up and walks up the steps.

I turned the TV off and walked up the steps. Addison's door was open. She was holding a big envelope in her hand and tears were rolling down her cheeks.


"What is this?" She almost yells. On the front of the envelope it read 'California Adoption Agency' with Addison and Asher's name on the front. "What the hell is this?"

A/N: Cliffhanger! How do you think Addison and Asher are going to receive to this news? Who do you think they will be mad at Jenna? or Danielle and Alan? Do you think Alan and Danielle should have told them sooner? As always comment below! ❤

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