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Chapter Two | The Spice is Real


I breathe heavily as I slouch down onto my cream satin sheets, resting my head against the wooden frame of my bed.

"I can't keep this a secret any longer.. Simon has to know that he's the father." I mumble to myself, rubbing my temples exasperatedly in an attempt to calm my nerves.

I glance over at my phone lying on my bedside table and eye it warily.

"It's now or never, right Simon Jr.?" I chuckle, placing a hand over my newly forming belly.

Before I could doubt myself any longer, I quickly reach over to grab my phone and with trembling fingers, I immediately dial Simon's number. I hold my breath as the ringing cascades throughout my ears, causing my heart to beat relatively faster.

"Please, please pick up." I murmur, clutching my phone so tightly that my knuckles turned white.

Then I heard it.

The voice I never thought I would hear again.


I swallow hard,"H-Hey.."

I mentally face-palm myself. Seriously? Was that the best I could do? Wow, I need help.

There's an awkward moment of silence before Simon's deep, sultry voice transfers across the phone,"Bethany? Is that you?"

I take a deep breath and slowly reply,"Yeah, it's me. Listen, I.. I need to tell you something."

Simon responds instantly, concern lacing his voice,"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

Curse you Simon and your insanely caring personality. This was one of his traits that made me fall for him and even to this very day, it makes me swoon every single darn time.

I anxiously bite my lip and croak out my words,"I'm okay. Are you free right now? There's something important that I need to tell you and I think it would be better if I told you in person."

My heart lurches as I hear his breathing on the other line for a few seconds before he replies,"Sure. I'll meet you at your house in five. That sound okay?"

I let out the breath that I was holding and smile,"Perfect. See you then." I click the red button on my phone to end the call, and sigh in relief,"Step one, check. Now here comes the hard part.. Breaking the news to him."

A mixture of fear and stress pricks my thoughts as I stare at the ceiling and try to come up with scenarios as to how I should confess to Simon. Before the sound of the door bell reverberated across my house. Dazed, I snap out of my train of thoughts before realization hit me. I quickly jump out of bed and hurriedly walk over to my bathroom to look at myself in the mirror.

Oh, no.

I was still wearing my pajamas and my hair was an absolute mess. Not to mention, mascara stains brimmed the edges of my lids and it looked like I had two black eyes. Great. I groan in frustration and mumble profanities under my breath as I stomp over to the front door. No time to make myself look decent now.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2020 ⏰

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