Alma Mater

671 41 49

The general concept of education, is rather simplistic in theory. Educate the youth, so they can develop the world, then they shall do the very same thing to those beneath them. A process. A cycle. Perpetually pumping out leaders, businessmen, and women. Scientists. Inventors. Innovators. Oddities. Yet it also produces criminals, homeless individuals, and new employees at McDonalds.

The specific issue I have with education, is my specific education system. My massive dilemma, is the fellow students. School would be immensely simple, if there were not fellow students there to disrupt you, mock you, laugh at you, discuss horrendous things about you. Please disagree with me extroverts, but if you could simply have your friends. Your genuine friends, not the acquaintances you gather left and right, but legitimate, purposeful friends then it would be a superb place.

It's honestly absurd how bizarre certain individuals are. A girl who sits next to me in Honors Science consistently badgers me, about how I'm so very annoying, and apparently a 'smartass.'

She then proceeds to tell me, when I correct her, that I am incredibly arrogant. But that's precisely it. I've never referred to myself as intelligent. I mean that. I have never done so. My personality type says I am, however, when I meet an individual I don't state: "I'm intellectually superior to you, more ambitious, and my future will surpass your salary within two months." 

She is one of the people who always refer to me as smart, I never agree, shake my head, I simply remain silent. Yet she acts as though I am perpetually boasting about my intelligence. Certain people at school treat me as though I am the male version of Minerva, the Roman Goddess of Wisdom (or Athena, your pick). The majority of the people in the Honors Classes don't bother.

What I do happen to enjoy about the honors classes is that, there is not the lingering mentality that we are all in a competition, but that we are one collective unit, despite all the people I despise. But this mentality is only within projects, or proving our teacher wrong. Otherwise, it returns to the sick mentality of gossiping, and insulting one another.

A girl in one of my classes, who I shall not name, I'll simply refer to her as  Annihilateur d'amour.

Now this individual, who I happen to respect, was tempted to call the main office based upon the fact that our teacher had not arrived, and we required one. Everyone else was jovial with the nonsense, as we were technically supposed to have a "free period," by the rules of the school handbook. 

"What were you doing?"  You may question.

Well, I was simply reading, and conversing with a friend of mine, who happens to be INTP. He was playing minesweeper enthusiastically. 

I watched her, and well this girl, and I were friends at the time. I am unsure of what we currently are, as she has not made an attempt to speak to me. Perhaps we are enemies? Perhaps we are absolutely nothing.  Nonetheless, she was sitting down dejectedly, as others were talking about her as they were aware that she was planning to do this most logical thing. 

It's quite sad really, how many condone gossiping, yet doing the right thing, even if it interrupts supposed "fun," is sneered upon.

I suppose I shall proceed with this topic another time, farewell.

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