Chapter Five Wordlessly

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~ "It's often just enough to be with someone. I don't need to touch them. Not even talk. A feeling passes between you both. You're not alone."~ Marilyn Monroe

Chapter Five


Brooke's POV

"Ms. Jacobs could you and your brother come here for a moment?" Mrs. Faultner asks.

I nod and tap Tommy on the head. "Get up Kiddo." I tell him. He stows his comic book safely in his bag before following me up to he front desk.

"So Mr. Horan is going to show you and your brother around today. If there's anything you need feel free to come back here or ask Niall here." She says sweetly. Everyone here is so friendly. I nod, as if I hadn't already heard their conversation. She hands me the schedules as well as a pass for being late to my first class, which happens to be Physics. She hands Niall a pass as well giving him a look. He smiles in response.

"Thank you Linda." He says to the secretary. That must be Mrs. Faultner's first name. Before I know it Niall is in the doorway looking back at Tommy and I. His eyes twinkle. "Are you coming?" He asks amusedly.

I blink a few times and nod, not trusting myself to speak. Tommy runs past you smiling at Niall as he runs into the hallway. Niall laughs and holds the door open for you. "Cute kid." There's nothing to say to that. I look down the hallway a realize quickly that I have no idea where to go. I look back a Niall, half expecting Niall to leave now that he has his pass. Thankfully he just runs a hand through his hair and holds a hand out for the schedules. I hand them to him wordlessly.

"So the kid-"

"His name is Tommy." I interrupt, a little irritated for some reason.

He looks like he's trying not to laugh. "Alright, Tommy has Mrs. Jenkins first period. Which is right around the corner." He starts walking and I follow behind, making sure that Tommy does the same. Niall opens the door for Tommy who looks at me unsurely. I smile and pull him in for a hug.

"You're going to have a great day, and make tons of friends." I say, praying that it will be true. Tommy grins, any trace of doubt has slipped off his face.

"Don't worry Brookey, you'll make friends too." He says before disappearing into the classroom.

I chuckle, hoping that he's right. Niall is watching you with a look you can't quite define. I look at him wordlessly waiting for him to make some sort of joke. He doesn't.

"So Physics, that's a bit of a walk." He informs me. I nod and fall into step beside him. All I can hear is the echo of our footsteps. Neither one of us attempts to break the silence, it not so much awkward as it is comfortable.

He comes to a stop in front of room 386, handing my schedule back to me.

"I have Math a few doors down so I can meet you back here after first period and help you find your next class." Niall keeps his head down, forcing you to actually speak to him.

"Ok. Thank you." I murmur. I glance at my phone, checking the time. Only five more hours.

The second I step into the classroom all eyes are on me. Oh boy. The teacher is nice enough, if a little strict. The other kids don't even try to be subtle as they flat out stare you down. This is going to be a long day.

Fifty-five minutes later I'm practically jumping out of my seat, eager to get out. My progress is slowed by the other students who have the exact same idea. I sigh dramatically, but there's a small smile on my lips. When I finally get through the door a familiar blue eyed boy is waiting silently for me. I nod in acknowledgement and put my schedule in his outstretched hand.

"This way." He says. I've only known Niall for less than two hours now, but already I've noticed a few things about him. He never says more than he has to. He seems incomplete at times like he has something terrible hanging over him. I've always been pretty intuitive, but then again I've only just met the guy. As we walk through the halls we receive a lot of stares. The funny thing is, they're not just directed at me, they're directed at Niall as well. Niall and I. I look up at him to see if he notices. If he does he doesn't show it.

Before I know it we're at my next class. Calculus. I raise my hand in a small wave, which he returns before walking away. This is a class that I'm not dreading. I've always been a bit of a nerd, and math is my best subject. Whenever things fell apart the numbers on paper still made sense. They were the only thing that did. I threw myself into math and it kept me sane.

This class was my favorite by far. The teacher was an elderly man, who actually cared about the students. He didn't make me stand up and announce my name to the class. He talked to me for about thirty seconds and the proceeded to treat me as if I had been a member of the class since the beginning of the year. Two worksheets and a sheet of homework problems later. I breezed out of room 435 with a smile.

Lunch was next. I'm not an idiot, I know that this could go one of two ways, smoothly or disastrously. To make matters worse Niall was nowhere to be seen. I took a deep breath and hoped that Gilly had her lunch period at the same time as I do. I just want one familiar face. That's not too much to ask for is it?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2014 ⏰

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