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  The hoarse then groaned and said,"not again,but short story you are losing your memories.And will dissapear if you don't kiss your true love!"I then gasp,is that really going to happened!The oger the yells donkey.
    Then looks at me,"long story short you are helping save my true love then you will be safe."I then say,"few that was a close one!"
   I then ask,"where is Puss,where is he!"Shrek says,"relax he is ok."Then we barged into doors outside.I see two people dancing.Then a lot of talking happened but I wasn't paying attention.
  Then I feel arms behind me,I gasp and turn around to see Puss.I grab him and hug him.I say,"Puss I don't remember anything just you!"He starts to look scared then we hear screams.
  We look behind me to see people chasing a fairy.We look at each other and chase her.A puppet nocked her my watly.I can't believe I am doing this for someone I don't know!I jump and land on the fairy's hair.
  She screams and tries to get rid of me.She then hit me with a spell that nocked me off and I hit my head on the ground.
  I go unconscious but hear faint yelling.After a minute I wake up it is a little hazy but I get better.I look down and see the wand.Then up to see people looking at me.I grab it real quick and stand up.
  Puss and the other boys yell,"Milea break it quickly!"Then I look to the fairy she says,"no give it to me and I can take away the spell!"I then say,"first off who is Milea and second you put that spell on me!"
  The fairy nod her head.Then I hear a oger says,"You are Milea a sweet kind yet strong and feisty cat.You promised you would help me.Please help us!"I then look to the fairy,"Mikea,if you give me my wand I will reverse the spell.Then you can stay with Puss!"
   I stare back and say,"there is another thing I remeber and that is,I will never break a promise!"I look to Puss then to the clock I only have a few minutes.I turn towards him and whisper sorry.I break the wand and she screams the pops like a bubble.
    I run to Puss and he hugs me.I look to him and say,"I am sorry but know I will love you more then my true love!"He looks to me and leans in for a kiss.But before we kiss I feel pain.I recoil and breath heavy.I look at my self and I start to fade.Puss looks at me scared.Soon I couldn't stand and start to fall.
  But Puss caught me and hold onto me.I look up to him and say,"goodbye Puss!"He looks at me and says,"no no no you can't go.You can't.Milea please fight it.Remember who you are!"Then I see nothing and remember nothing.I am Nothing.

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