chapter 3

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The day finally came to the end , now both of the girls were free from work, the boys and the prison itself.

"This is a nightmare " Neon complained to Artemis, wishing that she was in someone else's footsteps.

All day all you could hear girls around the school drooling over the seven new boys. Even though that Neon only has met Tae and Namjoon - well Rap monster and Artemis met another one called suga.

"why don't they just move to another school , that would make life for all of us much much better" Neon continued to complain to her best friend but Artemis just started smiling.

"I can find you a magic bean" she sang , making Neon stop her complaining and sat up straight.

"much much better " Neon clapped her hands taking the next line of the TV show (once upon a time.) The both of them began to laugh as they kept eating the pizza that was placed in it's box on the floor.

"no but serious, if the boys just left or moved school that means everything would go back to normal."

"how many guys are there again?" Artemis picked up another slice of pizza and shoving it in her mouth.

"I believe that there was seven. There is Namjoon, that suga guy , that psychopath Tae and there was another guy I saw but I never fully got his name . "Neon was fed up the whole day of always looking over her shoulder and then the problem at what happened just before lunch when she had to get her friend to help her out with her own fight.

But Artemis was not just a friend to Neon but more of like a twin sister.And they both knew that if something happens to one of them , the other one was not going to leave their side.What ever the cost.

The two of them flicked through every single channel that they got on the TV. They both had the same bad feeling that they had at lunch time. And that was just screaming bad news.

"then why don't we make them move ?" Artemis questioned her friend sitting beside here.

"yeah ...I'm gonna go for a walk" Neon said standing up walking to the door of the small apartment. But before she could reach to the door , her friends crazy bloody voice went mad.

"are you crazy ? If you go out there at this time a night you might get mugged or something worse." Neon could not tell if her own best friend , that she has known all her life was serious or just joking around.

But Artemis was serious it was close enough to midnight, it is freezing cold and her friend wanted to go for a walk.

"I will be fine I'm sixteen and you know I will be okay so calm down. . . and I will be back around an hour or two" Neon rushed the last part of her sentence and made a run for it.

Neon never knew if walking in the dark was calm and relaxing or if it was scary and creepy. Walking around during the day is okay but it just feels like a you are set to a routine on where to go but when it is dark there is no limit or routines to follow.

Neon started walking just letting her mind drift. The streets were dead quiet , sure the few cars on the road were the only things making noise but nothing on the path way.

Neon pulled out her left ear phone out of her ear to make sure that it was as quiet as she thought.

looking around neon saw that she had walked down a street that she had not been for a long time.

Namjoon's childhood house. The same house that he promised Artemis and Neon that he would protect them from what ever happened in life . . . but then left.

The Caged wings (A BTS- Yandere fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now