Chapter 2

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Rory was sitting in the gazebo watching the wedding reception in full swing.  The dance floor had many occupants, including the happy couple. Kirk was completely duded out in a mad hatter outfit and manning the dj table.  He looked kind of in place with the giant top hat and tailcoat.  Rory started comparing Kirk with the book character, then eventually the movie versions.  She had gone through at least 5 of them until her thoughts were interrupted.

"Hey." Jess said as he approached.  He was still wearing the navy-blue button up shirt and black vest he wore in the wedding but the top few buttons were undone and his sleeves rolled up his forearm. 


"Seat taken?"

"Just by these overpriced foot torture devices; we are no longer on talking terms though so please feel free to chuck them aside."  Jess picked up the pair of Louie Vaton heels and inspected them.

"I've never understood the obsession..."

"One of the many mysteries of woman."

"I guess..." The shared a friendly smile then looked back out towards the party. "I gotta say; this whole setup is a bit weird but I think it's kinda perfect."

"Yeah Kirk really out did himself."

"Speaking of Kirk; what is with the pig?" They both glanced over to see Petals, with her hare ears and bunny tail supposedly helping pick out the next selection.  Rory chuckled.

"The town chipped in as an attempt to keep him and Lulu from having a baby.  I guess the days of bags of flour and hard boiled eggs are over."

"I guess."  Rory's amusement decreased as she remembered her current situation and wondered why those lessons were the ones she apparently forgot.  Maybe she should take up Headmaster Charleston's proposition of becoming a teacher so she could maybe make the lessons stick. "You ok? If my memory serves me right, you eat this kind of thing up.  Yet here you are being all Jack Bauer."

"It still seems weird that Keifer Sutherland is in Stars Hallow.  Did you know Luke and him go fishing?"

"Nice try, David Blaine? What is up with you?"

"Just taking it all in.  You know it's weird being back."

"You are not back." The determination in his voice, was endearing enough she smiled.

"When I moved out of my apartment in Boston, I purposely sent my stuff to several different houses just so I could avoid being 'back.' But let's face it, I am."

"Well is that such a bad thing?  I mean you got your book to write... what better place than here to get inspired."  Whitney Houston's "I wanna dance with Somebody" blared in the background.  "You know, I am not one for this crazy ritual, but if it would put a smile back on your face I think I could chance it. Would you like to dance with me?"

"Are you serious? Do you even know how?"

"Ouch... you know that hurts."

"I'm sorry."

"Well come dance with me and I will consider forgiving you." Jess stood and offered his hand.  Rory accepted it and he helped her to her feet.  He offered her shoes which she fervently declined, indicating her sore feet and Jess tossed them over his shoulder. 

Lorelai looked around anxiously in search for Rory.  Her mind had been all over the place since she had learned she was going to be a grandmother.  Or was she? She wasn't even sure if her daughter was going to keep it.  Of course, she would; she is a Gilmour. Gilmour's are like a phoenix and rise again, stronger after adversity.  But still.... Hadn't Peter... wait Paul broken up with her just this morning? Gah the thought of Paul being the father of her grandchildren... it's a good think Gilmores have strong genes.  She sighed in relief once she saw Rory make her way with Jess to the dance floor.  Their eyes met, and they exchanged slight smiles.

"You ok?" Luke asked, obviously noticing her aloofness.

"Yeah, just thinking about my not so little girl."

"She's a great kid."

"Not so much anymore."

"I guess you are right. I am sure proud of her."  Lorelai smiled and put her face into Luke's chest. Her eyes fixed on Rory and Jess.


"Rory! Where you been hiding? Did you see me and Patty's duet?" Babette asked as she led Maury over to where Rory and Jess were.

"I sure did. Amazing as always."

"Thanks. Hey Jess, you've done alright. Not the little punk kid you used to be. Your Uncle Luke is sure proud of ya."

"Uh... well thanks. That's good to know."

"Stay cool." Maury said as he swept Babette away.

"I think that's one of the reasons I avoid this town." Jess noted as he watched them dance away.

"The beatnik expressions or random show tunes being belted out by the townspeople?" Jess smiled and shook his head as he spun her around.

"You know the small-town stigmas that you get to carry around for the rest of your life?  I mean I know I was in fact a punk kid but that was 15 years ago.  Do you really expect a person to be the same after all of that time?"

"Well that's stars Hallow.  I didn't think you were a punk kid."

"Well I was... but I appreciated you giving me a chance.  You and Luke. It was a pretty foreign concept to me at the time."

"Well you are welcome. I am glad we have been able to be friends." Jess forced a smile. "You know I want to thank you for telling me to write a book."

"You're welcome... do I get to read it?"

"I would love for you too.  Are you going to be in town for a bit?" He thought about it for a while and shrugged dismissively. 

As 'As time goes by," started to play over the pa system, a flood of emotions surged through Rory.  She remembered her first time on assignment with the Life and Death Brigade. 


"I need to get out of here," she said as the tears came to her bright blue eyes.

"Ok, let's go." Jess helped her off the dance floor.  Lorelai caught glimpse and despite her best efforts her expression was worried.

"Hey what's with the face?"


"She ok?"

"I don't know..."

"Do you need to go after her?"

"Probably... but I think it's safer if I don't for now."

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