Chapter 16

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You hadn't gotten a lot of sleep that night. You had tossed and turned until there was no possible comfortable position left to sleep in. You had seen practically all hours on the alarm clock until you finally fell asleep. That had been more in the early morning than still at night. Only two or three hours later your alarm went off and no matter how much you just wanted to throw the damned thing out of the window and forget about the rest of the world, you knew that wasn't an option. You wanted to call your mother, wanted her to come in and tell you it was ok, that you didn't have to do anything today, but you knew she wouldn't. There was a job waiting for you, one that you couldn't call off with the message that you had chased your boyfriend away and wanted to wallow in sorrow now. So you dragged yourself out of bed, almost got lost in your own kitchen while making your breakfast -you had gotten too used to Klaus arranging that for you- and with a bit too much makeup to mask the fact that you had barely slept, you headed off to work. You didn't register what was in the paper that you were reading when you were in the subway, but you did manage to get off at the right station which was already quite the accomplishment if someone would ask you.

"Hello, darling..." The words were familiar, something Klaus could have said, but the voice was different, the tone was different. Kol was standing next to the exit of the subway, clearly waiting for you.

You tensed, looking around if you could see somewhere else you could go. If you could see a colleague who happened to come out of the same station. Kol frightened you. Even when you weren't together with Klaus anymore, you had no idea if Kol knew that. And if that would stop Mikael from doing something. You knew Mikael was behind this.

"Oh no, darling, you're not going anywhere..." He grabbed your arm in a painful grip and steered you away from where you had to go.
"We're going to have a little chat."

"But... I have to go to work...", you tried to protest, but he was too strong.
"I'm going to scream..."

He suddenly stopped and pushed you against the wall.
"You're not.", he simply said. "You see... if you're just coming with me and have that talk, we might do this the friendly way. If you don't... well, I'm not too fond of you, so... don't tempt me. I wouldn't be too heartbroken if I had to hurt you to get what I want." He pulled you along into an empty street where your screams probably hadn't made a lot of difference anyway, so against your better judgment you decided to do what he wanted. Maybe this was just some stupid intimidation attempt to make you reconsider your relationship with Klaus, one that wouldn't work because Klaus was already gone. Everything that Mikael wanted to break you had already broken.
"There we are..." Kol stopped in front of a big car you hadn't even noticed in your fear, opened the door and pushed you in the back before closing the door again and walking to the driver's seat.

You tried to open the door in that time, but they were locked from the inside. You started to feel desperate. This didn't feel like just a little chat. This felt more like an abduction.
"I never said I was willing to have that chat somewhere else, Kol. Let me out! Now!"

"Or what? You'll call your boyfriend?" He smiled in the rear view mirror. "Go for it, darling. I'd like to see you try. Haven't you thought that might be exactly what I'm trying to achieve? And you can stop trying to open the doors. It's not going to work."

You slumped back in the seat while you crossed your arms. You weren't going to call Klaus. Or Damon. You didn't want them in danger and that was exactly what Kol wanted. He didn't want to play with you. You were just a means to hurt Klaus. But maybe Kol, or Mikael, or whoever was behind this would let you go after that chat Kol said he wanted to have with you.

Kol raised his eyebrows.
"No phone call?" He twisted his arm to the back, his hand open. "Then I want you to hand over your phone. You had your one chance, you are not going to get another one."

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