Unworthy Omega

106 13 4

This is how I picture Arlen Olmstead, who will be introduced this chapter. His cast is Justin Zabinski.  
Happy reading!

Word count: 2582

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🐺 Kieran's POV 🐺

I'm walking home trying to wrap my head around what happened today. I told my parents to meet me at home later, so they left after the feast. I keep my hands in my pocket and pull up my shoulders against the cold breeze. Strolling down the path I kick some cobbles out of the way. They make clicking sounds as they roll over the path and collide with each other.

I found my mate. It seems so unreal, but oh my, she is real. To top it off, she even happens to be my Alpha. Like I needed more drama in my life than I already have. Why did the Moon Goddess give me such a blessing? 

Arriving at my house, I open the door to find my parents waiting for me in the living room. They stand up in a rush when they hear the door creaking. We lock eyes as we just stand there for a few moments, in complete silence.

"I found my mate," I start off with a small voice.

"We noticed," my mother answers cheekily. A grin forms on my father's face as my mother runs over to me. 

"We're so happy for you! Unbelievable, your mate is the Alpha!"

My mother hugs me tight as she smiles from ear to ear. My father pats me on the back. Both of them filled with joy.

"Mom... I'm an Omega. I'm unworthy of her..."

Their smiles falter as I hunch my shoulders and sigh deeply. My father puts his hand on my shoulder and squeezes it tight. I look up to see him staring at me, only pride can be found in his eyes.

"Kieran, now you must listen to what I have to say. If anyone is worthy of that female, it is you. She is your own personal blessing, a gift from the moon. Whether you're an Omega or not shouldn't matter at all. Besides, we're made from better blood than that..." 

He gives me a meaningful look as my grimace is replaced with an honest smile. He's right, she is my mate and mine only. If anyone thinks I'm not worthy to become her Alpha, I will prove them otherwise. For the first in a very long time, I put up my head and roll my shoulders back. I look them both in the eyes. There we stand, one family. United, strong. We'll show them we're not just some Omegas you can mess with.

"I love you guys." I pull them into a close hug. My mother's eyes are tearing up from joy.

"You'll be a great Alpha my son." She squeezes me tight like only mothers can do. I grew a lot since the last time we hugged like this, I can now put a kiss on top of her head.

"I will make you proud." I puff myself up as I feel confident again.

"You already did," my father says proudly.

"Oh, by the way," my mother gets up and she leaves the room only to return with a present in her hands, "This is for you," she continues. 

"Didn't think we forgot your birthday now, did you?" My father chuckles.

I look at the present in my lap. I unwrap it impossibly slow, enjoying the moment of opening a gift, only for me. Finally revealing what was inside, my mouth falls open in awe.

"A photo camera?" I look up to them. How did they pay for this?

"To make new memories and to enliven your room with them." My mother gives me a smile as she caresses my back.

"We knew how much photography means to you, so we got you a new camera," my father adds up to it.

I feel myself warm up from all this love I'm getting. I just wonder how they can be proud at me after what happened in the past...

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