ScuzzTV asks

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"So the famous and musically talented Mrs. (y/n) (l/n) Perry is joining us today and good to see you again," Sophie introduced me. "Hey!" I waved to the camera. "Glad to have you here and nice to see you again," she smiled. "I'm glad to be here. It's great to see you again too," I politely smiled. "So we asked on Twitter what should we ask you and we chose the most frequently asked and the most creative questions. You ready?" she asked. With a simple nod I agreed "Let's hear them."

"Okay! The first question," she squints at her card, "This is from a lot of Tony Perry fan girls (Y/n) being not only a big Pierce the Veil fan but claiming out of the whole band you said you have the biggest crush on Tony when you first started to become more famous and when I first interviewed Midnight Goodbyes. How's is it like to be with your number one celeb crush?" I let out a big puff of air, "Well I can say that it's amazing. Tony is not just my husband he's like my best friend. Tony has been everything I expected and more it's honestly a dream come true. I couldn't have asked for better friend, husband, and father of our child." I said as looked down to my little boy hiding in my stomach. 

"Aww," she gave me a big smile and continued, "that actually leads me to my next question Will it a boy or girl?" "It will be a boy!" I cheered, "OH and Tony I won the bet! Don't think forgot!" Sophie looked at me with a confused look. "I bet Tony that the baby was gonna be a boy," I explained. "Ooo what does loser get?" she laughed. "Loser has to set up the baby's crib by him or her self," I laughed. "Oo good luck Tony," she giggled. I answered some more questions that typically would be asked. Then this next question really got me.

"So how do you think you would be when Tony and the band is touring and you're home?" she asked. I let out another deep sigh, "I would obviously be missing the hell out of him. I think it would hurt more since he won't be there for the first couple months, but I know when he does come back home he'll have his arms wide open as I come towards him while I hand him the baby and say "Here it's your turn to change the diaper"" I laughed. Sophie laughed along as if she can see the whole scenario play out in front of her.

"I can see you doing that," she chuckled. "Damn straight," I giggled. "Okay I got two more questions," she warned me. "Okay let's hear them," I prepared for the next questioned. "All of your fans wants to know What will the baby's name be?" "We decided on Jude Emery Perry," I said. "That sounds awesome!" she said. I smiled and nodded in agreement. "Okay last question. Ready?" she asked. "Yep. Let's get to it," I smiled.

"Okay... how is it being famous and pregnant?" She looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "Hmm..." I hummed, "I guess it is a little challenging. I sometimes have to avoid the paparazzi because I know how rough they could be with pushing and trying to get pictures of me. I worry that the pushing and blinding  flashes puts me and the baby in danger. One time, before I was pregnant, someone took a picture of me right in my face and the light blinded me horribly that I tripped and fell. I still got a scar on my knee because of it. So I'm being more cautious in case something like that happens again."

"Wow," she looked amazing. "The super crazy fan girls and some fan boys still give me death threats, but none that bother me. One girl screamed to me "YOU DON'T DESERVE TO HAVE TONY'S BABY!!!" 

But I walked over to her and whispered "Do you want to carry his child. Be my guest. Now I'm holding a Mexican rockstar's baby. There is endless head banging and kicking. My boobs are sore. My spine feels like someone is repeatedly kicking it and my bladder is squished with this bouncing baby boy. My feet ache and every time I look in mirror to see them I also see my swollen ankles. The random hot flashes are a huge bonus! I can't even pick up my fucking phone when I drop it on the floor. I'll tell you what I have not ever before now complain to anyone how my pregnancy is going. If you think you can do that with no complaints then I'll let you... no not even then if you can go through child birth then I'll CONSIDER if you can make it to be Tony's wife. She was so terrified of me that she slowly backed away and left with nothing to say," I laughed. 

Accident Crashes (Tony Perry x reader)Where stories live. Discover now