"Oh noes a hole" You scream as you fall.
The flowers did not break your fall999999999999
But somehow you survived
You walk along le path until you reach a room with another flower
Whoever lives here has an obsession. You think, also wondering why the text is still in italics
But then the flower talked
"Hi I'm Flowey, flowey the flower"
"Just kidding I am an evil flower"
"Oh no"
"In this world, it's sex or be sexified", the evil flower yelled as he grabbed you with his vines and tried to duck you but you refused.
"Uh, no" You BISH SLAPPED the flower
The flower tried to drown itself in its sins and sorrows as you walked away
Heh, I've given up on life anyway so enjoy, even though the chances of that happening are incredibly slim.