I wonder why Matt was staying with Jacub but my thoughts got interrupted when chris said "Is he cool?" " O shit" I thought " i got my pipe in my pocket what if this kids a nark!" everybody slowly realized that we dont know this kid and were all illegal. "nah guys he's cool i swear." Jacub stated before everyone left. I could tell this wasn't enough for chris to trust him cause he kept looking at Matt with unease. I felt Chris's arm go over me and grab my waist protectively. I didnt mind he's kinda the jelous type but I wouldnt blame him considering he's dating me. Eventually everyone gets introduced and we all sit in a circle around the fire pit. Jacub pulls out the weed he brought considering it's his day and hands it too me. I pull out my pipe and fill it. I reach in my back pocket too realize that i had forgotten my lighter at home. "shit" i mumbled under my breath. Chris bumps me and hands me his red lighter. I take it politely saying thank you and then proceed to hit the bowl. I watch Matt too see his reaction but his faces doesnt change and he just watches me right back. I get done and hand the pipe to sarah who sits next to me and then hand the lighter back to chris. We only have three rules about the fire pit. 1) everyone has a day that they have to bring the weed. 2) everyone brings there own lighter and 3) you dont mention the pit to anyone and you dont bring anyone new without consulting everyone first. But it seems today two of the rules were broken so I'm alittle on edge. I try to keep calm as my pipe gets passed around and I notice Matt doesnt hit it, once it reaches me it's cashed like usual and i empty it and put it in my pocket. I also pull out my papers and start rolling a joint for everyone. I give chris his then Sarah then Phillip, Taylor and then Jacub. I look at Matt " Do you want one?" He slowly lifts his head and shakes it no. I shrug my shoulders and roll my joint. Once I'm done we all scatter around the woods to smoke our joints like usual. I head off with chris so we can smoke ours together. We stand on the edge of the circle so we can see everyone else. Chris and I are very protective people so we always watch too make sure everythings alright and no one is snooping on us or worse. So far weve never had that problem but that doesnt mean we won't. I pull out my phone to check the time once i've finished my joint and see we still have 15 min. I leave chris too finish his in peace and walk over to Sarah. She instantly knows what i want and gives me a cig and a lighter. I light it and breath in. It may not be the best habbit but it sure does feel good. "So what do you think of Matt?" Sarah asks breaking me from my thoughts. I twist my head to look at him standing and talking to Jacub. "i'm not so sure I trust him but I'll give him a chance." This seems to put Sarah at ease a bit and she pulls out her own cig. We both hit ours at the same time and laugh. I decide to go to class and save the half cigeratte for later. I put it in my pocket and throw my backpack on my shoulder. I hurry over to Chris to tell him I'm leaving and give him a kiss. Then i walk over to Jacub, Taylor, Phillip and Matt to say bye. When I reach them Jacub gives me a hug and phillip too. Taylor and I arent the closest of friends but I'm the one who brought her here. It was my Freshman year and there was a new girl in class that sat in the very back. I got assigned to be her partner for a day and well turns out she was getting bullied. Of course me being Courtney I found the girl who bullied her and well beat the shit out of them. Taylor couldnt stop thinking about it and well it got bad and she threatened to kill herself so I let her smoke some with me and then I talked to the gang and they let her come down a couple times and then well it just became a regular thing. I've always felt closer to Phillip then anyone besides Sarah. He's the one who brought me here. It may not have been my first time smoking but it was the day I found out that I'm not the only one who smoked. I turned too Matt and waved by then turned and walked away. I heard someone following and figured it was Sarah but then i heard a males voice. "Hey your names Courtney right?" the timid males voice happened to be Matt. "yea thats my name" i replied without turning around. I quickly stalked off out of the woods and into the side entrance of the school. I went to my locker alone only saying hi to a few friends that past now and then. I open my locker to throw in my bag and take out my Lab book. I head to my first hour Lab and rush inside right as the bell rings.