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Arguing. It was all my parents did these days. Even over the littlest things, like what to eat. "Emerson." Says a small voice from my door way. "Come here Danny." I mutter, opening my arms. He runs over, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "What are they arguing about this time?" He asks, tears leaking from his eyes. "I don't know. Here. How about this, I have to go to school in a few minutes. How about you stay in my room, and I will turn on a movie, and put it as loud as it will go. It will smooth out the arguing." I suggest.

My footsteps echo on the brick road leading out of my neighborhood. I glance down at my phone, before looking around. It was around 7:10, and the school was seven minutes away. 1893 steps usually, according to how large I step. I glance at the abandoned house on the corner, and tilt my head when I think I see movement in the back. The old Rivelli house had been abandoned for years now. The originally couple who lived there killed themselves. Romeo and Juliet wannabes.

I walk into the brick building called hell. "Hey! Emerson." Says a voice. I turn my head, my eyes locking on Makenna Darin. "Yes?" I ask, holding my binder against my chest. She then takes her hand, smacking my binder out of my grip. "You think you're better than me bitch? I heard what you said." She says, throwing up her hands. "Funny, I love hearing things I didn't even know I did. What was it that I could have possibly said about you?" I fein interest. "You said that I was a stupid bitch with daddy issues." she says, crossing her arms.

"Makenna, I never said something about you. I wouldn't waste the time of day to insult somebody. I have much better things to be doing." I say, crossing my arms. She rolls her eyes, "Whatever." She says, storming away. I bend down, gathering my stuff, and I glance around to see people watching. "What?" I ask, and they all scatter. Suddenly a person bumps into me, and I groan, bending to retrieve my stuff again. "Shit." I mutter, grabbing the spilled out stuff. The boy just stands back, watching me.

"Are you going to at least apologize?" I ask finally, watching his moves. He was handsome, not going to lie. "Well you should have watched where you were going." He says. "You ran into me!" I say, throwing a hand up. "Whatever. Sorry I guess." He says, shrugging. I turn, walking away towards my first period class. "Wait!" He calls, and I pause, turning slightly to look at him. "What?" I ask. "I'm new here. Can you show me my first class?" He asks. "Who do you have?" I roll my eyes, "Mr. Harris." He says, crossing his arms, causing his muscles to show through his black shirt.

"So you have class with me." I say, and he nods slowly. "Come on." I say, and he follows after like a lost puppy. I take my regular seat, and he takes the seat behind me. "You could go make friends with some people, you know?" I suggest, raising an eyebrow. He smirks, "Trying to get rid of me already cupcake?" He asks. "I'm more of a cheesecake type of girl." I mutter, scribbling a couple lines on my notebook. "Okay then, cheese cake." He says, grinning. "My name is Emerson by the way." I say, looking over my shoulder at him.

"Well I am Parker." He says, smirking. I nod, as the door opens. "Hello class." Says Mr.Harris grumpily. "Hello Mr. Harris." I say, and he smiles slightly, nodding at me. "Okay today we are going to be talking about Shakespeare. Anyone know who Shakespeare was?" Mr. Harris asks, tilting his head. "He was a philosopher wasn't he?" Asks someone. "Wrong, Emerson who was Shakespeare?" He asks.

"William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist." I recite perfectly what I had read about Shakespeare. "Correct." He says. "That's not fair!" Says a kid. "Actually it is perfectly fair. She didn't cheat, nor did she read it straight off of a paper." Harris replies. "Whatever." Says the person, and I chuckle. "Okay, what was Shakespeare's greatest play?" Harris asks. "Was it Hamlet?" Asks a deep voice from behind me. "Some may mistake Hamlet as Shakespeare's best play, but in reality the most preformed was A Midsummer Nights Dream." I say, and Harris nods.

Once that class finished, I headed towards gym, the worst class of all. I head into the girls locker room, and get into my gym locker, grabbing out my cheer shorts, and a tank top. I turn, changing quickly. "What's got you and new boy so close?" Asks Jasmine. Jasmine was one of my closest friends. "I have no idea. He literally ran into my earlier, and has clung onto me like a lost puppy." I say, shutting the door as I finish tying my shoes. She nods, and chuckles. "What?" I ask. "Give him a chance." She says boldly, as we walk around the gym, towards the bleachers.

"Okay class!" Yells Miss Donelli, clapping her hands together. "Today we are going to play volleyball." She says. "Separate into two teams, and play." She adds, and we all do as we say. I get put on the same team as Jasmine and Parker. "So Cheesecake. You any good at volleyball?" He asks. I nod slightly, "I played all of middle school." I say, before turning, and bumping the ball flying towards us. "Awesome." He says with a small smile.

That one smile, somehow gave me some hope.


Emerson Hayes played by the gorgeous Imogen Poots.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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