Chapter 5

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As we're standing outside school grounds, I put on my sunglasses to block the sun from my eyes.

"What are you putting those on for, your eyes are pretty without them," Aaron says.

"Aww thanks, but I rather not go blind from looking at the sun." I rebuttal.

Andrea whispers something to Do tell in his ear and he laughs.

"What?" I asked.

"It's nothing, she replies.

"No it's not. Just tell me," I said.

"Ok so like Andrea had said that Aaron was just sucking up to, to get back to you," Dontell says to me loud enough T for everyone around us to hear.

"Why you got to say it so loud? But is that true Aaron?" I said.

"Huh what," Aaron replied looking up from his phone.

"Never mind, because you weren't listening.

"Oh. No. That's not what I was doing."

"Yeah sure," I said.

" I was," he said as he got into my car.

When we got in the car, Aaron says," So Amanda."

"What Aaron," I said back.

"What we had going on out there. I want to finish that?" He replied.

"Are you fucking kidding me. This is all yup fucking think bout," Andrea said.

"No I don't. Quit assuming stuff that doesn't concern you Andrea," Aaron shit back at Andrea.

"Actually it does. You should have known what you were getting into when you started dating Amanda in 10th grade, " Andrea started until I stopped her.

"You know I can't do this. Ever since we've been dating all you two is arguing about me, and I'm tired of this. I thought we settled this when we were at school," I said.

"I thought so too, Aaron said in my defense.

"Well if you keep saying shit, I'm gonna reply to it, Andrea rebuttal.

"Andrea don't start, " I said pulling into the driveway of our house.

As I walked into the house, I placed my bag in the chair that was by the door and walked to kitchen.

I sat at one of the stools that was at the island. Aaron came up behind me and put his hands on my waste and whispered something in my ear before he began to kiss my neck.

"Eww," Andrea said walking past heading to the living room.

"What. Just cause your boyfriend doesn't do that to you doesn't mean I can't do it to my girlfriend," Aaron says.

"I didn't say anything," Andrea said back.

"Yeah you did. But whatever. Come on Amanda," Aaron says taking my hand and going to my bedroom.

A/N: So this is chapter 5. Please comment and tell me what you think and what needs to be changed.

Also comment why do you think that Andrea always likes to argue with Aaron.

Please comment and share this book. I'm trying to make this book really good so that it gets more reads, so if you guys could help me with that, that would be great thanks.

Also I'm thinking of creating another book called The wrong Boyfriend. So keep and eye for that

Love you guys


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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