• Prologue •

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     It's a beautiful day outside... birds are singing... flowers are blooming... on days like these kids like you...
should be enjoying a day like this too...
heya, I'm sans... sans the skeleton... It's already been 2 months since we came to the surface... everyone started to do their stuff as soon as they set foot on the human world... It's kinda weird for the monsters to adapt so easily... on the contrary, humans still aren't used to having monsters around... some of them accept them as friends and some don't... It's kinda nice for their 'mayor' to lend a helping hand to us monsters and give us homes... which we, in return, will pay 'em back when we manage to have enough money... It's really great here... My new 'family' and I live in a huge house where we have our own rooms and privacy... If you'd ask me, I wouldn't change a single bit of this! I've got everyone to thank especially the kiddo... I just wish that fate wouldn't like a change either.... but we all know who has the power to change everything.. the only question is............. will they...?

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