(A/n) I decided to be nice today. Vote ,comment ,share! -t
Unknown pov
"Sir, I've found them."
"Good, where?"
"Forks. Forks, Washington."
(A/n) that was a fake phone number that I made up so I don't suggest calling it.
"I wonder if they 're going to remember me"
Melody pov
Bring, should I get it? Bring, it's been ringing ever since the Clearwaters left an hour ago. Bring, I don't know the caller id. Bri-
"Get the damn phone Melody! I'm trying to read!!!" Carter yelled from across the room.
Well there's my decision.
"Hi, is this Melody Salone?"said a sickly sweet voice.
"Um...yes...who is this?"
"You don't remember me?" The sweet voice turned rough and gravelly." That's a big shocker. This is just a warning. Watch your back. I'll be watching. Until then."
The person cakled darkly into the phone before the line got cut. Guess I shouldn't have answered. Someone shook my shoulder hardly earning a well deserved backhand.
"What the heck! Awww! That hurt you know!" Carter rambled on about getting slapped before he saw my face." What's going on?" I probably had gone pale,something I've done every time I got scared or nervous.
"He's found us. Go pack your bags now! Go!"
"It's too late and not worth it." A voice echoed though the hall.
I grabbed the thing that was closest to me which was a lamp. Carter held up his book like it could be used as a weapon.
"Calm your butts down its just me." Violet said walking into view holding a stack of mail.
"Shit, you scared us" Carter yelled at her."and what do you mean not worth it? Have you turned into the enemy?"
"Calm down, god why am I your sister?"
"Well not technically." I blurted out. Oops they weren't supposed to know this.
"What " Violet asked with a eerily calm voice.
Well they have to know sometimes.
"Um, technically you aren't blood related. You were both adopted from the opposite sides of the world but since you looked so alike, they made up a story that you were twins, Carter being a little older" I said not wanting to look at their faces. I remember when they both got adopted. I was 5 years old and I think they were three. They came home holding two kids that we're asleep. That's how the wheels got set in motion. Violet and Carter were never supposed to meet. Even though this is all their fault, I'll love them no matter what.
When I looked up, Carter was looking like a gaping fish while Violet was leaning on the wall looking like she already knew.
Violet saw my surprised expression so she said" Nothing surprises me anymore." Well okay, I guess I could have expected that from Violet.
"Come here" she told us while walking to the sofa. Me and Carter followed obediently. She showed us a blood red mail with no return address. Not exactly good. She opened it to reveal...
(A/n) I was going to stop there but I'm already being way too nice so... you got lucky today.
A pitch black piece of paper that had the words" we have found you. Don't try to run or there will be consequences" written in red letters. There was also blood stains running down the sides or the paper. Again, not exactly good.
"You see. They found us they're one step ahead this time. There's nothing we can do" Violet said.
"There's always another way Violet, always another way " Carter said.
If Carter was right, we would have been gone by now. If only things were that easy.
Meeting the One (seth clearwater )Discontinued
Fanfiction16 year old Violet Salone moves to La Push ,Washington with her older sister and brother to escape her past life. *please give this story a chance! *Discontinued *Rewriting soon!