Part 1: The Intro

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Jin: New York City, NY

Jin sat in front of his hotel window, admiring the New York skyline. He would return to LA soon, his filming for the big SNL show was over and his fancy trip to New York would end. In his reflection he saw the faces of six kids, the faces of the boys he'd grown up with his entire childhood. He then flashed back, to ten years ago. Watching there faces as he drove away from there small predominantly Korean neighborhood. All of them had faces of anger and betrayal. But the face Jin would never forget, was Yoongi's face. Seeing the face of the tough badass boy who had his emotions burned away at birth, shed a tear or two. By the time Jin realized that he had fallen asleep an hour had passed, he had tears in his eyes. He called his manager, "Ms. Davis, clear my schedule for the next week or two, I have something I need to do and it can't be changed." He hung up the phone and set his glass of bourbon on the table. "I'm a horrible person aren't I?" He began to cry a little, but he managed to calm himself down, finishing the rest of his bourbon and going to sleep.

Yoongi: Downtown L.A.

Yoongi missed this, an ecstasy like feeling of bashing someone's skull in and watching them fall limp at your own doing. He leaned against the brick wall, taking a quick smoke break after the brawl he'd just partaken in. The man lay sprawled on the ground, blood sprayed across his face, a shattered nose and six broken ribs. A small raspy moan could be heard leaving his cracked lips. Yoongi smirked, kicking him in the side one last good time and putting out the cigarette out on the side of the near dead mans bloody cheek. *Ring Ring* He picked up his phone to hear a familiar voice. "Did you do as I asked?" The voice questioned. Yoongi smiled, shaking his head "Yeah, job well fuckin done I must say." He chuckled... The man on the phone switched to an irritated tone "How do I know you did it right?" Yoongi, taking offense to someone questioning his work, bent down and took a perfectly shot selfie, sending it to the man on the other end of the phone. "Ha. excellent, it's good to know you haven't changed." "Anything for you, Seokjin." Yoongi laughed in a Hedonistic tone, knowing the man wouldn't like that. "Don't fucking call me that, it's Jin. Just Jin. Now finish the job and meet me where I told you." He hung up the phone immediately after finishing his sentence. Yoongi didn't care, he knew jin was sensitive to the whole name BS. But he had a mission to finish, one that meant doing a lot things, illegal things. He smirked at the thought of it. "God I can't wait to turn this whole fucking town upside down." He chuckled and disappeared into the crowd of people. That's when someone discovered the body, and let out a horrified scream.

Nam:West Oakland

"Mr. Kim, I understand that you're a quitting drug addict. How's that going for you?" The poor boy's bloodshot eyes drove their tired gaze up to meet the oblivious therapist's piercing blue eyes. Did she really think he was doing 'okay'? Did she not see the pale skin, dead eyes, missing shoe laces, and the way he was hiding his arms with his sleeves all the way past his palms? He raised his eyebrow slightly and cleared his throat before replying. "Fine."

She wrote some random stuff down on her stupid clip board like she always does. "Heroine, wasn't it?" Her glasses reflected the sunlight from the small window to Namjoon's right, next to her shelf full of random books and stupid 'cut' Knick-knacks. He let his eyes wander and almost forgot she asked him a question, but only gave a small hum in response. She wrote more stuff down, same old same old. His heart rate went up, a pang of realization hit him. He was a drug pin damnit. He couldn't afford to let anyone know the state he was in. Rule #1 of the business: Don't use the product. He laughed a little bit at his horrible thought. " I'm gonna head out now, I've got some uh, errands to run." Before he could give her any time to talk, he left the building and went to his car.

His phone vibrated in his pocket, which scared the shit out of him. "What!" He yelled at the unknown caller. "Um. Is this Kim Namjoon?" The voice was familiar, calming, which was a feeling that Namjoon hadn't experienced in a long time. "Yeah, but who the hell is asking?" Namjoon got tense and sat down in his car, lighting the cigarette and kicking back. "It's Jin, I see you're still as hostile as you used to be." Jin chuckled, however Namjoon did not find his old friend's comments funny. "Jeez, it's been a while, surprised you still remember who I am." Jin felt hurt at Namjoon's words, but tried to remain on topic. "I just wanted to see how you were doing, I haven't heard from you or the guys in a long time so I figured I'd check up on you guys. I know that leaving the way I did was rough. I wanted to apologize to all of you, in person." Namjoon smiled, for the first time in weeks he had something non-shitty to look forward to. "Cool, thanks for still caring Seokjin, we should meet up, grab a cup of coffee or something." Namjoon felt a rush of pain in his temple, grabbing his head, he put out the cigarette and started his car. "Look, I'll meet you at the coffee shop by your old house tomorrow at 3, there's a lot I feel like I should tell you if your on a little quest to see the guys again." Jin smiled, agreeing with Namjoon and hanging up the phone. Namjoon took a deep breath, and prepared himself for the weekend to come.

Ten: Pelican Hill, Newport Beach

"Ooh, pretty" Ten smiled and grabbed the golden Rolex off of the marble counter. He looked around, analyzing the beauty of the half a million dollar house he had stepped foot in. Pelican Hill was no place for a hood rat like himself. He had been studying the house for a couple of days, making sure he figured out the schedule of the newlywed couple. He had learned the tight schedule that the two worked by, and tried not to waste any of the precious minutes he had in the small window he was allowed. He was on a mission, this man who lived in this house, had gotten his hands on a 200,000 dollar painting that belonged to a man that Ten worked for. His job was to get it back before tomorrow, and the couple always had Sundays off together, so today would be his only opportunity to take the painting. However, Ten knew how to make his job trips fun. So, while he raided the house, he started blasting Chunky by Bruno Mars, singing along and looking like a complete idiot, not realizing this was probably the worst time to goof off. His phone rang, an unknown number. "New phone, who dis?" Ten said, trying to remain serious. "Ten, hey, it's Jin. Are you available to talk?" Ten tried to look around, seeing if he had a few minutes to spare. "Wow, um, it's been a while huh? Yeah but um, I'm kinda busy at the moment." He said, trying to pry the painting off of the wall. "Oh, ok. I just wanted to try and talk with you and some of the others again. It's been so long and I just wanted to try and talk with all you guys again." Jin said, laughing nervously, scared that Ten would reject his offer to talk. "Yeah, cool, I will definitely try to get ahold of you again but I really gotta go." Ten said, realizing that the wife was home early. "SHIT" He thought, he hung up the phone and ran out the back window with the painting. He put it in the back of the van, only to realize he left his phone in the house. He ran back, to see that the wife was having a passionate make out session, but it was with a different man. He snuck in quietly, taking his phone. Before he put it in his pocket, he took a few quick pictures of the couple spread across the couch. "Hehe, blackmail." He smirked and head out the back door.

Taeil: Sacramento

Unfinished, I'll create an intro for all the boys but this is what I have so far, I'll have more done tomorrow. Also, if you have ideas, I'm open to suggestions of any kind so just let me know!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2017 ⏰

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