f o r m

340 17 30

Brand New Days
° name:
° nickname/s:
° stagename:
° age:
° nationality:
° ethnicity:
° birthday:
° birthplace:
° hometown:
° fanservice:
° face claim + back up:
° slot + back up:

Blood,Sweat and Tears
° Likes:
° Dislikes:
° Fears:
° Backstory:
° family members: (include age,job and are they close with each other?)
° Hobbies:
° What are you like off-cam?

You & I
° Love interest + back up:

° Quote in life:
° Do you think your capable enough to deserve a spot in diamonds? Why?
° Suggested album name:
° Suggested song name:
° Any message for the author?

- so here's the form! Sorry for the late update. :>

P.S I will be taking unique and neat forms. Attitude of your character is based on the slot you chose.I am NOT choosing incomplete forms. You can pm me questions about the forms ^^

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