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Viola: *she goes into the creepyhouse shivering* brr! Guyss there mail! Who wont know the fans?

Ben: Uff i want to play video games. I do not want to answer those thousand questions!

Viola: Oh, but in fact the question is not for you my dear computer killer. It's for a woods brother

Jeff e Liu: * Fall both to the ground pushing to arrive before * for who?! * They say in unison *

Laughing jack: seriously? Try to kill yourself for a question too? * Laughs *

Viola: Okey okey tease you guys ... the question is from JackriorHerondeen and it is for ...

Eyeless jack: * Chew a kid in her ear waiting for the question* she have a pretty name ...

Viola: Stop eating that nasty thing in my ear! * says disgusted and sighs * well now we come to us: the question is for jeff and it is quite personal

Jeff the killer: personal? Does she want to go to bed with me? * licking your lips * would be interesting ..

Viola: jeff! Always think bad you!.. anyway the question is:

As you know, you are one of the most famous creepypas, and that's why there are a lot of fiction about you. I would like to know from you your sensual orientation. I care about it...
Maybe someday you can be my husband 😏

Jeff the killer: * Does not have time to open the mouth that is interrupted*

Nina the killer: * Slices and clings to jeff * is hetero! And no darling, it will be MY husband.

Viola: ookay ... Nina leave a little space .. we want to know it from jeff ..

Jeff the killer: mh ... honestly ... I don't know ... I'm bisex * nods * I stayed with jack ... with laughing ... ben ... with Nina ... with Jill ... oh I have tried with jane without results ... then there is cherry ... Lydia .... and ..

Jane the killer: * he stops his mouth puffing * shad up idiot! we do not care with who you stayed. And do not bring me to this topic

Omicidual liu: you've been with your brother too I'll remember you ..

Viola:  Okay, you've been with so many and all sorts so our JackriorHerondeen might have a chance or not?

Jeff the killer: obviously ... so much is slendy that turns them into proxy and I'm curious to know she ...

Slenderman: I do not changed own any more for your fault my proxy are everywhere

Viola: just enough! * screams to get feel * I don't want fights!

Laughing Jack: * pulls a punch to ej laughing *

elysless Jack: * suffocates a moan and looks bad returning the punch *

Viola: how do not said ... * snorts * well I'll go away I hope that Jeff has answered your question ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ we are here with the first chapter ... I hope you like it, and that there has satisfied ... look a lot of questions are numerous!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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