Please, Bre!!!

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Princeton's POV

I felt REALLY bad for Bre!!! But I didn't even know why she was crying! It kind of just came out of nowhere. But I guess the fact that Kacy pinning her out in front of the class like that just made whatever she was upset about even worse.

I tried to think back to what happened before then.... And then it hit me like a slap in the face!!! Right before then, the group of people around me were talking about how me and Kacy are together now. I knew Kacy had been mean to Bre sometimes, but I figured that Bre would be cool with it. After all, why wouldn't she be?!?!?!

Bree'Ana's POV

I was so upset and humiliated. Why would she do this to me?! And why would BOTH Prince and Bryson just sit there and watch her do that to me?!?!?! I just want to die. Just take my life right then, right there, in the middle of the classroom.

I got up and snuck out of the classroom fast enough for Mr. Johnson not to notice me.

Bryson's POV

I saw Bre sneek out of the classroom, but I didn't know where she could be going. I texted Pricne and told him to meet me in the hallway so we could find her.

After a few seconds, he got the text, and we both snuck out of the classroom while Mr. Johnson was still running his mouth.

"Where do you think she went?!" I asked Prince once we were out in the hallway.

"I don't know." He said. "Let's check down each of the halls.

We started speed walking/running through the hallways shouting out Bree'Ana's name. Then I saw her running down C-Hallway as we turned the corner.

"Come on!" I shouted to Prince and we took off after her.

"Bre! Stop!!!" I shouted down the hallway.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She shouted and ran into the girl's bathroom. Me and Prince ran the rest of the way to the girls bathroom and stood outside of the door.

"Bre! Please come out!" Prince shouted as we banged on the girl's bathroom door. There was NO way I was going into the girl's bathroom!!!"

"Come on, Bre! What's the big deal?! Everyone gets made of once in their lifetime!" I said.

"You just don't get it!!!" She shouted.

"Don't get what?" Prince asked.

"Listen, I know Bre's been wanting to tell you her biggest secret for a long time now. And she will. But just give her time." I explained to Prince.

"Can't you just tell me?" He asked.

"I think you should hear it form her." I explained to him.

It was silent inside the girl's bathroom for a couple of minutes. We kept on asking her questions, but we heard no answer.

After a couple more minutes of banging on the door, we heard a loud gasp and her fall to the ground. I couldn't take this anymore!

I busted through the door, and Pricne came right behind me. I couldn't help but notice how much nicer the girl's bathroom was the boy's!!! SO not fair!!!

My heart sank as I saw Bre laying there on the floor not breathing. The sink water was still running and the sink was clogged with some paper towels.

"Bre!!! Talk to me! PLEASE!!!" I shouted "Go get the nurse! Quick!" I shouted to Prince.

Prince's POV

Bryson ordered for me to go and get the nurse, and I did as I was told. I was still just SO confused about everything that was going on right now!!! There were so many questions I had! Why was she upset? What is her secret? What did she do in that bathroom?! And most inportantly....... What did I do to deserve all of this?!?!?!

All of these thoughts ran through my head as I was sprinting as fast as I could down to the nurse's office. I told her that my friend couldn't breathe, and she got her doctorly tools, and started running back to the bathroom with me.

Bryson's POV

"Bre, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk to me!!!" I shouted crying my eyes out. What did I do to deserve this?!?! I thought to myself.

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