EddTord :v (after The End)

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Tord was running down the streets to find the apartment building Edd and the others lived in. He got inside it. "Do you know a person named 'Edd Gould' who lives here?" He asked the man in the counter. "Room 128, floor 4" said the man. Tord rushed to the elevator and got on it. He pressed the floor number. He arrived to the floor and found the room number. Before he could knock on Edd's door, he sighed. He was nervous that after all of what happened, nothing would change. He knocked on Edd's door as he shaked. The door opened and Tord looked up. "Hello? Oh-" Edd had looked up at Tord and sighed. "Hey Edd..." Tord said nervously. "Uh- hey. What are you doing here?"
"Oh uh- I just came here to apologize for uh... What happened a few years back... I couldn't sleep anymore just thinking about it..." Tord said looking down. Edd kept looking at Tord with his hesitation, then sighed. "I know you'll most likely not forgive me... But I just came here to tell you guys, but I don't know what the use was if everything would just be the same again... Sleepless nights..." Tord sighed. "I don't really know if I should forgive you or not... I mean, you caused damage to the house, Tom's arm, you killed our neighbor.... I really don't know how I should feel about you anymore..." Edd said sadly. "It's okay... I don't deserve forgiveness anymore.... I can't have anymore chances..." Tord looked down and covered his right arm. Edd looked at Tord's arm and the damage on his face. Edd felt bad, but he just didn't know anymore. He sighed and hugged Tord. "What-" Tord was confused.
"I'm sorry.. I just can't bare to see you like this... I'm so confused now... About my feelings towards you..."
Tord sighed sadly and hugged Edd back. "I missed you guys so much... Especially you.... You're the only person I think about... I love you..."
Edd blushed a little and sighed as he pulled from the hug. "Well uh... I guess you have to apologize to Matt and Tom now. Though I don't know how Tom's going to feel. Good luck." Edd let out a small smile at Tord. "Yes- I need to get going. And thank you. Well, see ya then" Tord smiled back nervously at Edd. "Oh, where are their rooms anyway?" Tord asked. "Tom's room is left to mine and Matt's is right"
"Thanks. Well, see ya then" Tord started walking to Matt's door. "See ya, bud" Edd closed his door.
He knocked on Matt's door. Matt didn't know if he should forgive Tord at first but then he made a decision to say yes. Then he went to Tom's. Tom didn't bother to open the door, so Tord had to apologize from outside. Tom hadn't forgiven him, but Tord tried. At least one forgave him, and the other was unsure, but he was kind of happy. And a maybe was enough.
My hands hurt now :"v
I've been working on this for an hour and well
I hope you enjoyed ;^)
I might make a lemon for the next one-

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