They found themselves located in a secluded area. Lost in the vast lands of vegetation away from Polis. Lexa was huddled beside herself, seemingly terrified of what had just occurred. She hadn't known how to feel about it. What was the most fashionable way to feel? She wondered.
She glanced at the blonde woman. Except was this strange being even a woman? Lexa thought the girl with the blue eyes to be something more. As farfetched as it seemed, Lexa thought the other woman was simply ethereal. A thing that was otherworldly. Surely, the magnificent wings she had witnessed was proof of this.
She wasn't quite sure why but a wave of familiarity overpowered her once green eyes had met blue, back in Polis. She found the entire notion to be rather silly really. That it was some witless joke and they would laugh about it seconds after and the strange woman would then explain herself. She would tell Lexa then that they've known each other once before, perhaps in another lifetime, and would take her by the hand, ensuring everything that had happened with Thomas and everything horrible in her life, was in fact her imagination.
Perhaps the angel Lexa had been praying silently for had come at last and her empty wishes would finally be fulfilled.
Lexa stared at the other woman's face for a moment and the blonde lifted hers to do the same. Like she knew she was being watched, like every time their gaze met, they could make sense of things.
"Are you the one they call Lexa?" the woman questioned gently.
"Are you the one the Gods have sent for me?" Lexa wanted to ask. But instead she opted to just nod her head in response to the other woman's question.
"My name is Clarke." She heard the other woman say. Clarke. What a strange name that was Lexa thought. Yet again everything seemed strange and awfully recognizable about the other girl.
It was never in Clarke's intentions to reveal her true self to even a spec of a creature residing on Earth. But once Clarke had laid her eyes upon this woman named Lexa, her level headedness and sense of limitation ceased to exist. What Clarke had done was seemingly out of character but puzzlingly enough it hadn't seemed to hold any significance. The beautiful mess of a girl sitting a few feet across from her did. Clarke noticed the other girl's declining presence of life. She was skeletal to the bone and exceedingly undernourished. Not only in a physical sense but it seemed to be the case inwardly for the other girl as well.
Clarke saw a glimpse of dejection in those green eyes and her own heart had ached at the sight. She wondered what it was that had caused so much sadness in an individual. Clarke had seen moments of sorrow on Earth from the heavens, but to see it for herself was such a potent and empathetic sentiment.
"Are you hungry?" she decided to ask.
"Yes. Very much so." Lexa whispered shakily and with that Clarke was hit with a wave of heartbreak.
She hadn't known why she felt so much for this other woman. The duty to protect and care for Lexa had overwhelmed her since she came to know of her existence. Perhaps it was something fate had ingrained into her system since birth or all of the past lives before. That's what it certainly felt like.
"I'll be back in an instant. Please don't wander off." Clarke got up onto her feet and looked to Lexa for confirmation.
Lexa nodded her head and Clarke met eyes filled with somber gratitude.
Love Is Not Weakness
RomanceClexa AU where Clarke is a goddess from the skies and Lexa is simply a human on Earth. They both meet under unfortunate circumstances, but when they do it becomes more to them than originally intended. Or A story about a girl who could have ruled a...