1 Month Anniversary

223 7 3

Justin And Kale On Facetime
Kale: Omg. I Can't Beleive You Are Coming To Maryland.
Justin: I Know I'm So Excited To Come See You Guys.
Kale: You're Mainly Coming For Reagan Aren't You.
Justin: Noooo
Kale: It's Fine.
Justin: Well I'll Talk To You Later.
Kale: See Ya
End Facetime
Reagan Approached Kale
Kale: Hey! Wassup.
Reagan: Nothing *while reaching for his phone*
Complete Silence
Reagan Facetimes Justin
Justin: Wassup.
Reagan: Nothing. I Just Really Miss You.
Justin: I Miss You Too.
Reagan: Where Are You.
Justin: With Danny.
Reagan: Not Who You're With. Where You Are.
Justin: The. Air. Port
Justin: I Might Being Going To Maryland And Going To See You Tomorrow.
Reagan: Omg! Im So Excited
To Be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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