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         The palace in Gramstead was the wonder of the world of Shranelyn. Its massive walls were utterly pristine and never needed the care of human hands. The walls as well as the rest of the palace, were created by a race long believed to have been eradicated. The palace would never fade or crumble from the effects of time and weather. People came from all over the world to see the beautifully crafted spires and walk through the gold lined halls. The current discussion in the king’s private chambers however, contrasted greatly with the beauty that surrounded his one person audience.

          “I want them found and destroyed!” yelled Klishmar, the reigning king over Shranelyn. “I don’t care how many men it takes. Search every city and create a reward for reporting anything out of the ordinary. Any sizable group of Norathians left will slip up sooner or later. Once they reveal themselves we can track them anywhere.” Klishmar sat down in his favorite chair next to the balcony that opened facing the majority of the city.

He considered himself to be rational and level headed when making decisions concerning the lives of his people, but this was different. The king was of average height, but built so solidly that when seen practicing his swordsmanship he was often admired by much younger women.

          The Book was never wrong, it had proven that beyond anyone’s doubts. Just last year, a mountain predicted to create a wasteland along the eastern sea had done just that. Exploding into one of the most deadly natural disasters ever. The land was left a blackened ruin and two heavily populated cities had been completely wiped out. No one knew the author of this particular book. It had been found just five years earlier when an ancient burial ground was accidentally discovered.

          Corin, the kings personal advisor, stood in the center of the room addressing Klishmar, “The cost to the kingdom will be great sire. The treasury is not endless and we have paid dearly to help those who lost everything last year.”

Corin was a very handsome young man, standing almost six feet tall with short brown hair cut in the current military style, who had risen to power very quickly. There were always whispers of the deaths that appeared to have allowed him to rise to the position he currently held. No one would bring it up in his presence however.

     The king stood back up and walked over to Corin, “We have taxes that are low enough as it is, raise them. Do so slowly and be sure to spread the cost out, we are protecting all people not just a few. We can hope this will not take long so the cost should be minimal.” Klishmar approached the grand mirror in the room and scowled at his appearance. Turning back around the king addressed his advisor once again. “I have things to take care of today and it is getting late already. From what you have told me we have some time. It might even be years before this becomes a real problem. Confer with General Breshone about the increase in messengers, as well as the creation of the new units. Remember, no one is to know of their existence. The general is aware of the training grounds outside Chairin we talked about. Now leave me, I must be ready to meet the council within the hour.”

Corin bowed saying, “Yes sire, I will report back when everything is ready.”

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