Chapter 1. Where Ends Meet.

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It had been a magical summer for Chris, Gordie, Teddy, and Vern. Firsts of everything. For starters, Gordie got accepted into a creative writing class for school this coming of year. It said so in the mail in a big manila envelope. Gordie's parents couldn't have been more proud he was such a good writer and very talented.

Chris on the other hand... Snuck into a cobra party being thrown by none other than his older brother Eyeball and his immature friends. Chris knew that the Cobra's were a pretty big deal considering they were bullies, and they were older so they had to have known more... right? Nah.......

Teddy, shot at targets marked alongside his tall oak trees in his backyard with an ak-47. of course.. his mother really didn't approve much of the idea of her 12 year old son shooting trees with his father's Military equipment. but to Teddy, the Military was kinda of a big deal, since he dreamed.. someday that would be him on the battlefield. HE would be the 2nd one to storm the beach at Normandy.

As for Vern well... all that kid did was eat candy, and prayed solemnly that he wouldn't get bullied or even beat up by his older brother Billy.

And of course the four friends remembered the day when they gathered up their stuff and headed on their long journey to find the dead body of a young kid named Ray Brower, just 3 terrible days before their journey.. Ray had gone out to pick blueberries and never returned home later that evening. Word spread round' town that he was missing and even his family had put up flyers on wooden posts to see if anyone had seen him or even knew him. unfortunately, now one had but still word spread round to families to keep a close eye on their children to see if it was a kidnapping. The boys talked about it in their hangout which was a big oak tree holding a wooden sturdy built Treehouse they had built when they were younger. Later they decided to find the body themselves so for 2 days they were gone, and a day and half later... they Returned.

It was 3 going on 3:30 that afternoon as the boys were walking back from a long hard Sunday morning in church with their families. each tired... each bored. Gordie looked at the ground and kicked at the fresh pile of dirt turned up by the wind. Chris turned to look at him his dirty blonde hair shining like gold in the bright sunlight and his sky blue eyes sparkling with wonderment. He turned and looked at Gordie kicking the dust with his foot and laughed.

"you seem thrilled this morning Lachance." Chris nudged Gordie in the elbow and smiled at him jokingly. Gordie turned to look at Chris and smiled a tiny bit going along with Chris's enthusiasm. "you damn as right know it." Chris just smiled at that and looked forward at the long trail of woods and trees. for whatever reason it was, Chris seemed to make Gordie laugh or smile even when he was trying so hard not to. you just couldn't get mad at Chris, he had come from a bad family and was treated poorly by his father who was a drunkie and went to the bar every night for some Jack Daniels and a 2 litter bottle of whiskey. but Chris didn't seem to care anymore. He had went along with everything his father did to him or said to him because there was no way out. Just then Teddy spoke up bored of the silence. "hey guys.. since its really hot outside and we still have the whole entire day to kill some time.. lets go swimming or somethin." Vern jumped up excited at the idea. "yeah! the pool is just around the corner." Teddy stared at Vern for what seemed like god knows how long and spoke up again. "no Vern... the pool's for babies and bed wetters." Vern shot back annoyed. "yeah? what's wrong with that?." Teddy frowned. "well... everything. your'e not a baby or bed wetter are you? oh wait I'm mistaken.. you are." Teddy just smiled at his mean little joke knowing it would make Vern upset or cry cause lets face it, Vern cried or got scared at EVERYTHING. Vern just shook his head and looked down while Chris knew Teddy had bothered him, he put an arm around Vern's shoulder comforting him. That's one of the best things about Chris, he had a way of making people feel better, if you were hurt physically or mentally he fixed you like a medicine pill or a bottle of Tylenol.

"what do you say Gordie, you up for swimming?." Chris looked at him and cocked his head to the side. Gordie looked at him and nodded his head in an assuring way. "yeah, sure." The boys ran off to the Castle Rock Creek and almost slipped on the wet grass loosing their balance. they then started to undress leaving their pants on as swim trunks. Chris was untying his pale gray converse as he saw Teddy jump in the water. "CANNONBALL!" followed by a big splash. Gordie and Vern got sprayed and laughed. "C'mon guys! the water's great, a little cold but good." Chris laughed. "Yeah.. OK sure water boy." Gordie and Vern both jumped in and then followed Chris.

2 hours later, it had been a splashing war attack against each other. The boys started to get out of the water and dry off in the sun. "C'mon Gordie.. come dry off. we can go back in later." Chris replied as he looked out into the water and saw Gordie trying to do something with his hands. "ok.. ill be out in a minute, I think I got my leg caught in a plant weed or something." Gordie looked nervous as he tried to untangle the weed thread from his ankle. Chris started to look a little alarmed. "Gordie?! you ok?." Gordie looked back up from the water. "No I think I'm stuck Chris." Teddy and Vern stood from shore, looking shocked not knowing how to help. Just then Gordie slipped on a rock and went under.

"GORDIE!!!." Chris jumped in the water and tried to help him out, but he couldn't grab hold of him. "Oh.. shoot." Teddy replied while he stepped closer to the edge of the water watching. Vern was behind him scared and confused. "Gordie?!!" Chris finally grabbed him and dragged him out of the creek, breathing in panic. Teddy and Vern stood watching from behind Chris looking sad and confused. "Will he be ok guys?" Vern asked. "maybe.. all I know is we gotta take him to the hospital and fast." Chris and Teddy grabbed hold of his arms and legs and carried him back towards town dripping wet and cold.

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