His Unwanted Mate- Ch.1

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I froze. There he was, the man of my dreams. Like his friends, he was leaning against his car. He was tall, built in an athletic way, with dark hair, and dark yet light grey eyes that from where I was standing you couldn’t really see.  All i could see was a great smiled that he was now displaying to his friends as they laugh about something one of them had said. I had seen him before in school and court, I mean who hadn’t really. His name like the rest of his family was a legend. Star football quarterback, student council president, and of course  homecoming king in high school. His name Gabriel Jacques. Future king of the wolf pack.

I turned my back to him and everything he represented.

“Daniela! Wait for me”

I turned around to see my best friend Dena running toward me, trying to catch up. Her short blond hair getting in the way; like me she was tall, but instead of green eyes had hazel ones. She had olive skin, and was really smart. I, on the other hand, had green eyes, red hair, and fair white skin.

“Hey” I said forcing a smile, once she reach me.

 “Why didn’t you stop when I was calling your name?” she asked concerned.

“Sorry I didn’t hear you at all. I think that it was because I was a little distracted, you know thinking about school and everything.” I lied.

 “Oh. Don’t you dare lie to me we both know what distracted you.” She said sending a meaningful look toward were Gabriel and his friend stood. Turing their way, I noticed that they had stop fooling around and were now looking our way as the aknowledge our stares.

“Let’s go” I said turning abruptly toward her not daring to meet Gabriel’s eyes.

“You have to stop this Daniela,” she said grabbing my arm to stop me from leaving. “You can’t stop this anymore than anyone else would. What’s done is done.”

 “I know that. But I would rather not deal with this right now or ever. At this point you can stay here or come with m…”

 “He’s coming this way!” she whispered looking behind me.

“That’s it. I’m leaving” I said walking past her.

“Daniela this isn’t like before, you can’t turn your back on him its disrespectful.” She whispered angrily. Hearing this from her made me feel even angrier and frustrated than before. I hated not having her support right know that I really needed it.

“I don’t care how he might feel. He never cared about how I have felt these past few weeks. Whether it’s insulting  or not I am still leaving.” I said in the same tone.

“Oh dear he’s right beh..”

“Hello ladies” said a masculine voice.

We both turned and there he was. The man of my dreams and nightmares. My heart skipped a beat for like what seemed an eternity. Only to be replaced by anger and hate.

“Your Majesty” Dena said bowing to him.

There were few places where we could actually refer to him by his official title. The school parking lot seemed okay at this point, since there weren’t any more people to hear or suspect something. Inside the school itself we, or the people in court who actually knew him, referred to him as just Gabriel. 

Since I did not say or showed any signs of acknowledgement I felt Gabriel tense infront of me. I could feel Dena’s eyes besides me with disapproval, but I refuse to acknowledge it. Instead I looked at him with defiance in my eyes. He stared right back and a small smile broke from his lips as amusement took over any other emotion in his face. Without a word I turned around. Ignoring the small gasp that left Dena's lips.

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