Chapter 3

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  I got one of my coworkers to cover for me on a Saturday afternoon so me and Jodie could go meet up for a bit. My good friend Marco caught ear of this and thought he and his soon to be wife would join us. Turns out they just took over the whole outing thing, they planned a day of bowling and other "fun activities" I guess. I arrived at the place at the time we agreed to, two o'clock, everyone else later than agreed....Jodie arrived not too much later, was about ten maybe fifteen minutes later but Marco and Jessica were the ones who really showed up late... It seems like they might've been implying something by arriving late but me and Jodie clearly know that there is nothing between us simply because we see no colors, just friends. Once they catch on that we aren't seeing colors thanks to each other things will soon die down, it's not that they're going a bit overboard with the idea it's just that I've never been close with someone before so this is all new to them. I don't blame them honestly, I thought myself at times that I could be seeing colors soon because of her but no...I just remember it has been so long since I've actually spent time I've enjoyed with someone. It feels great to not work so much and just take time off of being so busy all the time, I've missed how this has felt. The search for love does take a toll on a person, all these thoughts of "what ifs," seeing couples together wishing so much that that would be you one day, and only hoping that the next person you meet could be the one...just have to pull it together and carry on, eventually things will get better. Now back to our lovely day of great relaxation, we're just enjoying time together as we are bowling even though we're not too great but still making the best out of it even when we mess up our bowls. After the first game, while the girls are enjoying their snacks, Marco ushers me outside for a short moment to have smoke and talk over a few things. It was nothing really important but was more or less him getting an understanding of things going on, I have nothing to hide so I just basically told him everything that happened since we are close friends. Once we entered back into the bowling alley everything was what I think was normal since he wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary so that must good. I assume he told Jessica about what we talked about because she too was back to what seemed normal, I don't know her very well. I've been such a workaholic that our relations with each other have really just stuck to interactions within Cornerstone. We finished up a second game it was around dinner time so we decided to walk down the street till something caught our eye. I'm a sucker for burgers so the first burger joint we saw we went into, I was looking for something interesting so I got this burger that consisted of two patties, different cheeses, delicious sauces and so much more. It was absolutely divine. The rest of the group aren't quite the adventurous type so they just order something typical that they usually get wherever they are. Marco order a regular cheese burger, Jessica apparently likes to try new things so she got this obscure meal that came with soup, a steak, a variety of sauces and a salad. Really surprised since I didn't think of her as an adventurous type like myself. Jodie, no matter how much we insisted, didn't really order much of anything besides a cup of whatever tea they had and just a single cheeseburger with lettuce and tomatoes only. That was all. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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