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The teacher claps her hands,
"Welcome to Blue Moon Dance Academy! We will be going out solos for now until we have more members!"

Everleigh, you will be performing a solo called "Hero". It is a sassy Jazz-Acrobatic routine.

Laika, we are entrusting you to do a piece entitled "Bully" it is a very difficult, technical routine I think you will do well in.

Last solo goes to Molly who will perform a piece named "Encore" it is an open routine with many little tricks in it.

Duet for Jaycee and Jaydyn. Your piece is entitled "The long goodbye" being sisters, I gave you a more family feel to your dance. But I am looking for convincing emotion. I don't want a third place or below.

Finally, Kathrynn and Victoria. Your duet is called "Unbreak my heart" is is a beautiful lyrical piece. I feel you would fit into this role perfectly.

There will be no group dance this week due to the lack of members.

Studio Showdowns: Dance Roleplay, Season 1Where stories live. Discover now