An introduction seems a good way to start

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Have you ever just thought to yourself man, I have got so much on my mind I've got no freaking idea what to do with it? Or how to even come to terms of what all the crap in your head might mean or where it could take you?
Welcome to my current situation and what better way to get my stupid messed up thoughts out and on paper than make a story capturing the good and the bad moments of life, more specifically though my life. To start off I believe a brief introduction of myself would be slightly useful... yet it's proving to be a lot more difficult than one could imagine but we shall see where this goes. My name is Tierza Nelson I am 19 years old and currently living in Calgary, Alberta (yuck). For an explanation I was born on the beautiful island of Victoria in British Columbia and we moved to Calgary when I was 3. In a very sad way here in little old cow town is where I call home. Even though that is the case and I was pretty little when we moved, I guess the island never really left my heart and I don't think it will anytime soon. Don't get me wrong Calgary has a lot of perks included into it, but one of its massive flaws would have to be the fact that you feel a touch suffocated due to the amount of people, the never ending traffic and the constant construction plans that take take for god damm ever to finish. One of the decent and better perks Calgary has to offer would be the school systems... though again also flawed but what doesn't have flaws?

School for me was just like it was and is for every normal (whatever the hell definition of that is) school kid. You get woken up by your mum and or dad, drag your sorry ass out of bed, attempt to eat something for breakfast, run out the door catch your bus and waste 8 hours learning some useless and some decently helpful information before being released to go back home and repeat the same blah blah process for 12 years. In my personal opinion High School was some of the best years of my schooling career, which is pretty messed up if you think about it. High School has so much drama and wanna bee's that most people just want the hell out, but High School for me is the place that helped me to grow and somewhere I found I actually belonged and wish to go back to.

My High School was Juno Beach Academy of Canadian Studies and in my 3 years at the school I was president of the Interact club, on student council, band senior and my biggest accomplishment I had the honor of being my graduating class's valedictorian. I'm going to set something straight right now, I did not have the highest or best grades in High School, in fact my classes with the highest marks were my electives, they being band and foods class you could say I was no where near a "nerd".  The closest I get to being a nerd in any shape or form is a band nerd. I have been playing my wonderful and beautiful clarinet or 7 amazing years and in those seven years I have also learned the flute, trumpet, a little bit of french horn and the trombone. The trombone is the one instrument that got the better of me... for the life of me I cannot figure out how to change pitch and move the damn arm thing *sigh* needless to say I totally got my sorry ass handed to me from a hunk of metal. If people who are reading this are able to play the trombone my hat goes off to you because its a defeat I am actually proud of and you should be proud of the fact that you are the master of what I think is one of the harder brass instruments to learn.

After graduating High School I took a gap year. In the beginning of the year, so September, I was sleeping till 10 and going to bed at three O'Clock if I was lucky and I have to say it was the best!! At the end of September I was kinda sorta attempting.... not really trying to get my crap together and find a part time job. Needless to say I found my way out of that one, and because of that I had free time to read, take my dogs for a walk and hang out with friends. The best events of my gap year would have to be March and April of 2016. I got the best and amazing opportunity to travel to England for 6 whole weeks with my grandparents and see where my dads side of my family heritage came from. To say it was a life changing experience is a total understatement. In the earlier days of my gap year, I went through a messy break up with an ex boyfriend, and long story short he's a cheating douche and I'm glad we were not together long. Shortly after the break up I reconnected with an old friend and it didn't take me long to figure out that something more was there between us. Today he is now my current boyfriend of over a year and I wouldn't want to have it any other way. I used to think that when people said you would know when you've found the one person you can see spending the rest of your life with was a huge pile of bullshit.... I can't really say that anymore.

We got together on September of 2015, and October of 2016 a year after we got together we got the biggest and most life changing shock of our lives. We found out that 2017 would not only bring a new year, but also a new year full of life changing decisions and hoops to jump over as I am 20 weeks pregnant.

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