Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a couple days! Things have been kinda hectic with school and publishing but I'm back!
February Book Boxes are on sale now! Yesterday was the first day of sales, and we've already sold about 1/4 of the boxes, which is absolutely incredible! If you're looking to buy one, check out the polyethnic website and order now before they're all gone!
Editing is going smoothly for our novel! Our first round of edits for the book are being done this week and then we're going to be formatting it for the book's layout.
In other news, Kate and I are starting our own personal writing projects outside of Kinda, Sort Of. We're both still working with The Polyethnic and are planning on meeting up for book signings and stuff like that. If you want to hear more about our personal works, check out our individual author Instagram accounts: ( Kate- @simply.booked, Me- @authorrozet).
I have been writing all day today and yesterday and so far I am over 11,000 (close to 12,000) words into my new project. I can't wait to keep writing and to share more info about it with you guys soon!
Exciting things coming up in the future!

"Kinda, Sort Of" Blog
Non-FictionThis blog is solely about publishing updates, The Polyethnic news, signing opportunities, upcoming dates involving our book, purchasing opportunities, marketing events, etc. New announcements will be made here regarding our novel, while the chapters...