Chapter 3

3.7K 70 18

(Picture above is Swift's bedroom)

Word Count: 2544

Word Key:

(C/N): Child's Name

(O/C/N): Other Child's Name

Y/N's P.O.V


I looked around, seeing Swift on a couch. I was curious what he was doing so I walked over to him. He looked up at me, smiling. "Hey baby." He said, putting his arm around my waist. He pulled me next to me. " (C/N) is sleeping right now." Swift said looking at his other arm. I looked over and saw a baby girl, humanoid turtle sleeping in his arm. " (O/C/N) is with the guys." He told me. I nodded at him and smiled as I looked at the baby girl. She woke up after a few minutes and began to cry. "Swift can I see her?"I asked him, not liking the fact she was crying.He nodded at me and handed her to me. I held her in my arms and rocked her back and forth, calming her down. She opened up her eyes and looked at me. I smiled then everything around me began to disappear and was replaced with fire, explosions and destruction. I looked up and saw Swift with his hand stretched out to me. "Y/N!!!!"  Swift shouted out to me.

I woke up immediately and felt pain in my shoulder. I looked at my shoulder and saw my arm was bandaged up. I looked around and noticed I wasn't in my room, nor anywhere I knew.  I looked around the room, seeing hats, a computer on a desk and some more stuff a guy would have. I got out of the bed and walked to the door. I opened it up and looked on both sides then walked down the hall. I saw the same couch from my dream. I let out a sigh, remembering the little baby that Swift held. I walked around and found the door. I looked around and walked to the door. I put my hand on the door knob until I heard a familiar voice. "Where are you going babe?" the person asked me. I turned around and saw Swift leaning against the wall. "I was going to go somewhere." I told him. "No your not. You need to stay here until your arm heals." Swift told me, with a serious expression. "If I'm going to be here, then I need stuff like clothes and other stuff." I told him, crossing my arms against my chest. "Fine we can go and get your clothes, but I have to come with you." He told me walking off. "Wait what?!" I said as I walked after him. We both walked back into the room I woke up in. "What?" Swift asked as he got into clothes. "Why do you have to come with me?" I asked him."To make sure you don't run off and if you haven't noticed you don't have the best of luck. I don't need you to get killed or almost killed."He told me as he put on his hoodie. I was about to say something but it was true, I never really had good luck, especially not yesterday. I could have died, twice. I let out a large, heavy sigh and walked out of the room.

I waited at the front door, with my shoes on, I didn't even know where my school bag was at. Swift walked over to me, he was carrying a very large sword. "What is that for?" I asked him. "Just in case something bad happens." Swift informed me. I opened up the door and walked out. Swift walked in front of me and opened up a large sliding door. I walked outside, it seemed like he lived in an abandoned home or something. He closed the door, he zipped up his hoodie all the way and pulled the strings on his hoodie to help hide his head. He then put on a hat then put his hands into his hoodie pockets. I knew that he was a humanoid turtle and a lot of people would be scared of him. Me and Swift walked to my home, we walked through the alleys, which took us longer to get to my place. As we were about to enter another alley, I heard another familiar voice. "Hey Y/N!" shouted the person. I turned around and saw Leo running towards me, carrying my school bag. "Hey Y/N are you okay? I saw you on TV last night about the terrorist attack. Oh my lord, you did get hurt." Leo said as he noticed bandages around my right shoulder. "It's nothing serious Leo. Thanks for bringing my school bag. "I told him. "No problem, you want to walk with us to school?"He asked, politely. I heard a grumble behind me and knew Swift one didn't want me to go and to hurry up. "Sorry Leo not today, I have to rest so my arm can heal properly."I told him as I put my bag over my shoulder." Oh well alright, get their safe. Before I go, here is my number and my brothers number too. Just in case if you need any help."Leo said nicely as he handed me a piece of paper with the guy's name and under their names, their personal phone numbers."Thanks Leo, see you later."I told him as I walked down the alley. I heard Leo join his brothers, I heard Swift begin to follow me, this time he was now mumbling.

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