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Recently, high schools made to train girls into monster-battling gods became a trend. Four girls specifically were fond of this hobby and decided to start their own club for it.

For weeks, they would practice by themselves in hopes to become the best. This did not work, however, and they were forced to use teamwork in order for them to become successful.

Not only girls were fond of this, but men too. The girl's advertising their club spoke to a male teacher. He volunteered his precious time to create a special classroom for the girls. Because he was so kind to them, they called him 'Sensei'.

"Sensei, Sensei!"Ami yelled. She was excited to eat her first lunch with Sensei, so much that her heart was pounding with excitement. She even prepared a boxed meal for him.

However, when she prepared the table for them, he only looked at her sadly. His eyes spoke more words than his mouth could, so Ami left with tears in her eyes.

Ever since, it had become awkward for them. Keemit decided it was her chance to spend some time with Sensei.

"Ah, Sensei, Im having trouble with this equation. Could you help me after school?" Keemit asked with hope in her heart. Sensei agreed to the purpose of learning, and sighed as he checked off his calendar for the date.

She waited for him patiently. Keemit even begged to increase her allowance in order to buy him a special pencil. Her heart pounded with excitement, as she saw his familiar figure walk through the door.

"A-ah, Sensei, your hair is a bit messy. Here, I'll fix it for you~" Her slight pur put Sensei on edge, and as she leaned in to touch him, he slapped her hand and ran. Keemit couldn't tell if the stinging was from her hand or her heart.

Gabby turned her back to the scene that happened. No way would she fall for such an indecent man. How dare he hit another woman! Gabby's heart yearned for her classmate, and it took all her might not to trip Sensei.

"Keemit-chan! Let me help you...." She exhaled to see no damage done, only a slight redness on her friend's hand. Perhaps this was Gabby's chance to make a move!

"Gabby-chan...I...Don't know what to do..." Tears running down her face, Keemit looked at the pencil she worked so hard for. "Maybe a kiss will make you feel better?" Gabby attempted lightening the mood. She dipped and brought Keemit's hand to her lips, but Keemit smacked her in return.

"This isn't how I wanted to fall in love, Gabby! I can't believe you would take advantage of me like that!" She screamed, throwing the chair and running to the hallway. Gabby stood in shock, her head hanging over her chest.

Sensei ran through the halls, in attempt to find Washi. She was the oldest student, yet didn't mind brushing up on a few subjects. She was loved by all, and her cute smile was considered a blessing to all.

"Sensei?" His speed ended up spilling the papers that Washi was carrying. Shocked filled her dark eyes. "Washi, why does everyone love me?" He asked, this being the first word he's ever spoken.

"I wouldn't know," She replied. Anger filled Sensei's eyes. Was he getting rejected? Sensei pushed Washi against a wall, making her glasses fall in the process.

"You mean all of my students love me, and you don't?" She was on the verge of tears. This rumor was spreading in the battle girl league, but how could it have happened to her?

"Sensei...stop..please," Tears rolling down her cheeks, Washi broke free from Sensei.  She ran as fast as she could, but Sensei followed her with his naruto-running skill.

"Is there someone in your heart? Why isn't it me?" He screamed, almost shaking the building. Washi looked back at him, stopping in her tracks.

"Ami is in my heart, Sensei."

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