Chapter 5: We argue like siblings

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Sorry for the long update time!This is mostly dialogue, mainly banter between Reaper and Grim with a few looks at their personal qualities. Your comments make me happy! Let's put a smile on my face! (yeah, lame reference sorry).


The rest of the way we slice, dice, and generally slaughter our way into Joker's safe house.

Since we don't really know his exact location, we leave one henchmen alive so we can ask politely.

"Where's your boss? I have more important things to do than play rat-catcher."

Oops, did I say ask politely? I mean threaten like good cop/bad cop with only bad cops.

The goon trembles, which most likely has something to do with the fact that I'm calmly wiping my bloody scythe with one of the corpse's T-shirts. And humming.

"I- I swear I don't know! I don't even know if he's in the building! He might be on the other side o' town!"

I look up and snort. Liar.

Grim knows this as well and takes the thug by the neck with a grip that's a small squeeze from choking. "We're not patient beings and we don't have all night. Tell us where Joker is or you can listen to the lovely sounds of your own screams as we slowly slice you in half to the Spongebob theme-song."

The thug gulps. "9th floor. Last on the hallway. To the right," he whispers.

"Thank you." Grim snaps his neck, the crack echoing.

"I hope you remembered all that. I'm not bringing him back."

Grim looks at me, then at the body on the cold ground. Then back at me.

I sigh. "Grim." I put a warning in my voice, because I am not about to get lost in the Castle of Cray-Cray. That's like an invitation to get killed.

And killing people is my job.

"Ha,Ha?" Grim says sheepishly.  Cue me taking Ester and walloping my partner upside his empty noggin. He yanks off his hood to rub his wounded ego- I mean- head.

"Ouch! Child, didn't anyone teach you to respect authority?" I pull down my hood to properly glare at Grim.

"First of all, respect is earned. I don't give it out like free freakin' candy. Second, your 'authority' is based off the insinuation that your longer experience makes you more professional. Considering how you just went Coo-Coo-for-Killer Puffs on the last guy standing without bothering to remember what he said, I'd say I was the one with the authority. Savvy?"

"Aye, Captain. So what now, Miss I've-Got-Authority-And-I'm-Not-Afraid-To-Show-It?"

"Don't get smart, your brain will explode from shock. I say we go off what I remember. Something about the 9th floor."

"You sure it wasn't the 8th?" Grim says jokingly.

"You wanna check?" I shoot back.

He snorts. "I've seen the horror movies. Splitting up is always a bad idea. Don't know how Scooby and the gang survived."

I shrug. "It was consent on mutual stupidity. They took orders from a guy in an ascot, for Jessie's sake."

Grim gives me a disapproving look. "He's gonna get tired of you calling him Jessie."

I shrug again. "The whole Messiah, Savior of all, Blessed Redeemer thing is so overdone. He wears Crocs for goodness sake. But man, does He bless those V-necks and-"

Grim puts a hand up to stop my musing. "Whoa, whoa. Lusting after the Lord is enough to get a Bible shoved down your throat, even though it gets an amen from me. But I thought you were asexual?"

I  grin. "I can look at the menu, but I don't order. Unlike you, who can order the appetizers, main course, and dessert."

So sorry, my readers, but this is no love story. At least, not romantically. I've tried playing for both teams and found that I didn't like the sport. I'm not gonna hate on those that do, though.

Grim rolls his eyes. "We are ridiculously off topic. That's enough talk. Let's get back to work."

"Ah, yes, work. Invading the Joker's lair and personal house of horrors. How could I forget?"

Grim just huffs and marches on. Apparently he's tired of my sarcasm. That tends to happen.

He's almost at the front door when he turns and realizes that I'm not following. "What now?"

I shrug. "Nothing. I'm just suprised that you wanted to leave me so soon. I almost thought you liked me."

Grim cocks his head to the side, like a confused puppy. "What make you think I want to leave you?"

"Well you are trying to enter the territory of an infamous homicidal lunatic through the front doors."

My dear partner puts his hands on his hips and gives me the sassy gay friend look. "Well we are trying to meet with him. Might as well make our presence known."

"For Joker to set up defenses and toy with us all night? What are you tripping on?"

"Do you see another entrance?"

I take a deep breath and point to the side of the building.

Grim's eyes widen. "No. Anything but that."

AHHH! Cliffhanger! My worst nightmare! Besides butterflies, anyway. Till next time!

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