Status: Epsilon

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                                            Pre Cursor- I Apologise Early For Spelling Errors

                              Mark awoke with a start, a cold sweat all across his forehead. There was a beeping noise to his left across the room. He sat up in his makeshift bed, wich was composed mostly of blankets and pillow filling. He looked around re-gaining his surroundings as the darkness started to reccede from his vision. He grunted as he swung his leg to the side to get up.      What was that beeping? It was only making his headache worse. He stood up straight and leaned back and heard pops all throughout himself. The room was small, just enough room for the two makeshift beds, a small television and a radio. He glanced over at the other bed and saw baxter snoring away, oblivious to the annoying beeping. Mark stumbled his way over to his bag where the beeping was coming from. He rummaged aroung a bit until he found it. His phone, Pretty nice considering he stole it, was emitting that wreched sound. On the screen there was an incoming call from an unknown number. Mark shrugged and answered it. He raised his arm and placed the phone up to his ear. "Hello?" Mark asked suspiciosly, like a kid with the wrong number. "He...o? Is Anyb...dy ther..."  Came a voice from the other end. It sounded, Mark thought, like he was talking with a broken, quiet megaphone. Mark, intregued by the mysterious call replied "Hello? Yes I can hear you!" "Go...d I N...ed your hel..." The voice said back. It was hard for mark to hear what he was saying. There was a loud buzz followed by a beep as the phone vibrated. Mark looked at it with confusion as it switched from the call to a video feed. "Hello? Can you hear me better?" Said a man from the other side of the video. His face was dark but there was a dim red light in the background, an emergency light, mark thought. "Yes I can understand you now! Why are you calling this number?" Mark asked, confused and now concerned. The man replied "Something terrible has happened!" The video started to get choppy and filled with static."Help ... Researc... 18" The man continued. Mark could barely make out the last few words Research building 18. The video feed became clearer and then something terrible happened before Marks eyes. Behind the man in the video a black figure fell from the ceiling before springing up and pushing a blade-like peice of metal into the man, who was turning to face his assailent. Mark could only stare as the black figure pulled the blade out of the mans chest and retreated into the backround. The video feed turned to a flash of static and then was silent and black.

                      Mark was shocked and confused. Was that an eloborate prank or something far more sinister? He decided that this call was no prank, someone somewhere was in trouble. Mark turned to face the bed where baxter was sleeping, his dark brown hair covered most of his face. "Baxter! Hey get up!" Mark yelled as he tried to wake him with his not so soft words. "Whussup...?" Baxter said groggily as he turned in his bed and groaned. Mark was getting impatient, he grabbed the nearest pillow and sent it hurling between Baxters barely open eyes. Baxter was suddenly alert and he sat bolt upright and caught the pillow mid-flight. "What the heck man!?" Baxter exclaimed after throwing the pillow to the right into the corner of the room. "Get up we need to go. I got a distress call and I think some people are in real trouble." Mark explained to Baxter as he pulled the blanket off of himself and began to sit up. "Where?" Baxter asked. Mark knew it was going to be hard to convince him, "I'm not sure all I know is that the man in the call said he needed help at a place called research building 18. We will need to call Trina for a location." Mark thought back on how they are all together now. Trina, great hacker and computer expert, she was the one who thought up the first "plan" which had just gotten them expelled... All three of them. The plan was simple the classic hack-the-school-computer-and-change-all-the-grades trick. Getting expelled as orphans is hard. That led to convenience store stick-ups and even a couple bank heists. The three of them made up a great team, Trina with tech, Mark with plans and skills, and Baxter with brawns and bravery. The last heist was four years ago. They now just sat tight and helped whoever they could. They all had a few million dollars in offshore accounts, Trina moved into an appartment, Mark and baxter moved into an old sowing workshop. Not much has happened since. They started a private security firm. Life was easy they lived off the stolen money and regretted every minute of it. "Trina wont exactly like waking up this early to do much of anything." Baxter said cutting through Marks thoughts of the past and putting him into the present. "Oh well we need her help." Markd replied. He walked over to his bag and pulled out his phone. It took seven rings for her to pick up. "What the hell Mark?!" Trina yelled at him, Mark knew this was coming as he held the phone about a foot from his head. "Hey Trina, I need you to pinpoint a location for us." Mark asked after she had stopped yelling. Trina replied "Do you have any idea  what time it is?!" "About four thirty-five exactly." Mark said slyly "Ha Ha. Very funny, now what do you need located?" Trina said, clearly annoyed for having to wake up in the middle of the night and do something for him. "Were looking for someplace called, research building 18. I think some people need help." Mark explained. "People need our help?" Trina sounded worried but slightly excited. Mark told her "Yes I think thet there are more people in danger." "Mark, what do you mean in... More people?" There was a hint of concern in Trinas voice as she said it. "There... There was a distress call, from this guy. He said he needed help. And I saw him... Die. He was stabbed from behind." Mark said, his voice quivering. "Oh my god!" Trina gasped. "Im searching for the location now, go get geared up, I'll call you when I get it. It'll just be a sec." Baxter looked nervously at Mark. "You heard her lets get going." Trina hing up and mark put his phone into the backpack and slipped it on as he and Baxter went through the doorway to the staricase that led to the roof, closing the door behind them.

                          The night was brisk and cold. Mark and Baxter stepped out of the armory room fully equipped with their old gear. Baxter with his duel skorpion sub machine guns, Super shorty mossberg maverick shotgun, and Karambit tactical knife. Mark equipped with his trusty duel weild carbon fibre straight katanas, CZ75 duty handgun, and AX338 sniper rifle. Mark turned and peered over the edge of the building, down at the busy streets below. Baxter whistled " Man Mark, you scared of hieghts all over again?" Mark turned around and gave Baxter a cold stare. "We better get going." Mark looked back at the ground far below him and exhaled. Mark took a few steps back, then he ran, full speed ahead, and jumped. Baxter followed.

                                 Mark landed in a roll, got up to his feet and kept running, Baxter behind him. They ran rooftop over rooftop, jumping over gaps. As they were nearing the building they were heading to, the sun started to rise. It was a beautiful early morning, The air was crisp, birds were chirping, and the sky was full of bright colors. They finally made it to the building, it was across the road from where they stopped. Mark stood on the edge of the building, looking down at the entrence of the building. Baxter caught up and stopped to lean on an air vent. "Hff" gasp* "Jeez man!" gasp*        "God, why did I stop working out!" Mark turned and laughed. Baxter was bent over huffing and puffing. "Come on, get over here!" Mark told him. Baxter looked the building up and down. "Phew! I think this is the building!" He was refering to the giant '18' on the side of the building. "Yeah probably!" Mark chuckled. They surveilled the building, It was a two story hanger-like building with the letters 'RESEARCH' and '18' on the sides. There were five entrances they could use, 3 doors, and two windows. Mark and baxter met up on the building they started at. "I think it would be easiest if we just use a door." Baxter suggested. "And thets why you dont usually make the plans, if we are dealing with professionals they would be gaurding the doors. If we want in we should use a window." Mark told Baxter. Baxter thought for a second. "Yeah that would make sence." They made their way over to a ground level window and peered inside. Mark was right, they were dealing with professionals. Mark counted at least 15 guards dressed in all black shrouds, just like what he saw in the video distress call. "Maybe a door is a better idea..." Mark said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2014 ⏰

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