Chapter Sixteen - Leave Me Alone!

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Something that I noticed were alot different then it was in Sweden was the paparazzi. In Sweden they weren't swarmed or such I don't know why, maybe we have some law or something. But it was alot different. When we left from the stadium we even got police escort. 

It would defiantly be more problematic then it was in Sweden. 

"We will go to the hotel and then split there" Zayn said and We nodded bracing ourselves from outside. Paparazzi's were on bikes it was completely nuts. 

The security had been kind enough to move our luggage from our other hotel to the boy's when they had the concert and most of the fans were there. I was thankful because I realized this would've been impossible for us to do on our own. 

As we came closer to the hotel Niall's grip around me got tighter. I looked up and Elin were close to Louis as well. He was slightly hovering over her in a brotherly protective way. We didn't ride in the same car as Sabina and Manja which got me nervous. 

I didn't like to be separated from them in this way it got me on the edge. 

Suddenly we were there. 

People started banging on the windows and I slowly melted into Niall's chest. "We need to move" He whispered into my ear and I shook my head furiously. It wasn't until Niall started rubbing my shoulders that I realized I was shaking. 

I've never been the girl that's been afraid of big crowds or such. In a way I see myself as the class clown but this was so different. Honestly I felt like an animal in a Zoo. But with the monkeys outside. 

"Shh, We can do this, You and Me, That's all there is, Shh It's okay" Niall were soothing me and I were breathing more calmly now. Elin looked at me. "Emma you can do this! See you in there" She said and patted my shoulder. 

The door opened and screams and shouts were blowing my eardrums. Niall were repeatedly stroking the top of my head whispering soothing things. I was panicking. Elin was going out there. That's a suicide mission.

I grabbed her hand. "Don't Leave!" My voice were desperate. "It's okay Em, Everything is going to be alright" Elin said and kissed my temple before letting my hand go and stepping out of the car. 

"Winston can I have the walkie takie please" Niall said. No response. Winston looked down on his walkie talkie and then kept looking out the window. "GIVE ME THE DAMN WALKIE TALKIE NOW" Niall growlled making me jump. "Geez Niall" Winston groaned and tossed him the walkie talkie. 

"We are not coming out before there is a clear path" Niall said into the walkie talkie. "Sir we don't know if that's possible" The walkie talkie talked. "Make It possible" Niall said and tossed it back. 

NIall brought me up in his lap and I buried my face in his chest taking deep breaths. It was blurry and everything was chaotic. Suddenly the car started moving again. 

"Shh it's alright they just drives around until the path is cleared up" Niall said softly and kissed my cheeks. "I'm so sorry for this" He whispered and I clinged onto him. "I'm sorry too... "I whispered and sniffled. 

Five minutes later the path was cleared and we arrived again on at the hotel. This time it was alot less noise and it seemed more strict and organized. The door was opened again and Niall took a tight grip around my hand. 

"Keep your head low and always, Always, be behind me" He said looking into my eyes. "I'm here for you, alright?" He whispered and a small smile creeped onto my lips. He gave me a quick kiss before standing up.

I stood up and we stepped out of the car. Behind the glass door I could see Sabina stand giving me thumbs up. Niall grabbed my hand a squeezed it and I took a deep breath starting walking. 

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