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kenma and kuroo went their separate ways, leaving kenma utterly empty.

kuroo felt relieved. he didn't have to lie to himself anymore. he didn't have to worry about stringing the male along. he didn't have to worry about a thing. he was sure that kenma was taking everything fine.

kenma was the complete opposite. he blamed himself. he cried every night and kept blaming himself over and over and over again. he stayed in his room and had quit volleyball. he couldn't bare seeing kuroo anymore so he switched all his classes so they wouldn't cross paths once.

he missed it, he missed the gazes he and kuroo would share when talking or cracking an inside joke. he missed the warm embraces and cuddling at night. he missed the soft goodnight texts and sweet good morning ones. he missed everything he had ever shared with kuroo, but he was long gone and so was kenma.

To; Kuroo ; 3:24 am.

dear kuroo,

i'm so sorry for all the pain i've caused you. i know this is all of my fault. to let you know, i have really missed you. everything about you. but i don't think you've missed me. i am so sorry. for everything. you're so perfect and i'm not. i've loved you for years. i hope you have a great life with whoever you decide to settle down with. please be kind and know that i'll always love you, no matter where i am.

with all my love,


kenma smiled sadly at the text, tears streaming down his face as he swings his legs over the edge of the roof. the two would no longer be able to share gazes filled with love, hate, or curiosity.

he takes a deep breath and

he jumps.

the cherry blossoms bloomed and fluttered down the next morning, the world moved on even though kenma could not.

I'm sorry. It's 1:08 am and I really needed to write something angsty. I started crying while writing this.
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gazes // kurokenWhere stories live. Discover now