Rum n Coke

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I was a bartender in a rather popular bar, working my way through school. I know what a glamorous life. One night things were slow. It was a Thursday night and there wasnt very much buisness. About two people. Then again how many people go out for a drink on a Thursday night?

I sighed finishing wipping off the end of the counter, and wandered over to the person who had just left. I collected their empty glass and wipped the condensation away. Everything was quiet and I decided to leave my post behind the counter to change the song on the juke box. I needed to hear something hard, something heavy. Something rockin.

"Your gona get busted for that." My co-worker gawked leaning her hands along the end of the counter. I laughed not giving two shits. "Oh no." I wiggled my fingers in the air sarcasticly. She laughed shaking her head and walking away from me. I retreated back to the bar and sighed. At least there was some music to liven the place up.

The door opened and two guys slipped into the bar taking in all the sights of an empty lonely room. Two young guys dressed in leather jackets and random other articles of clothing. Their eyes were hidden by their hair, straight black choppy for one, and a curly dark mass for the other. I think I caught the pale ones eyes and he smirked halfly, walking further into the bar. They wandered over to the bar and slipped into the stools after seeing me standing unattended.

"You looked lonely." I smiled after the pale ones comment.

"What can I get yall?"

"Two shots of Jack."

I set two shot glasses in front of them and poured Jack into the empty resovuior of the glass.

"Thank you."

"Much apreciated." They slammed them back, and their expressions didnt change or were altered after they swallowed. They were hard drinkers. They were used to it.

"So whats your name?" The pale guy spoke keeping his fingers around the glass. "Im Susan." He smiled after my introduction. "Im Izzy."

"Slash." The other guy nodded fluffing back some of his curls as he did. "Its nice to get those introductions out of the way." I said leaning both palms against the counter edge. "So you guys have a night planned?" I asked curious to were these two unique characters were heading. They both nodded in diffrent paces. "We do-were playing a show in a club just down the street."

"Your musicians?" I came to the conclusion rather fast putting the pieces together. "If you say so." Izzy said keeping an innocent smile on his lips. "8 oclock if you wana stop by."

"Whats the name of yall's band?"

"Guns n Roses." They said almost in unisen. "Interesting." This was my first time hearing of these guys, and wondered what they were all like and if they were any good. "Its a rude crude fuckin rock band." Slash waved wanting me to keep the drinks coming. I filled the shots and continued listening to their stories. "Sounds heavy."

"Leave it." Slash grabbed the bottle with my fingers still around it. "I cant let you have it."

He pleaded giving me a frown. "Com'on." He begged like a child. I shook my head pulling it from his grasp. "Look if yall come back after the show Ill save it for ya."

"Damn your extorting us?"

"I wouldnt mind coming back." Izzy said dreamily staring into my eyes, I smiled flashing my eyes away before I got embarressed. A blonde man walked in the door directing his attention to the loners at the bar. "Hey guys we gotta split!" He jabbed his thumb out the door. Izzy left a crumble of bills, probly not even enough to cover their drinks. On cue they both slipped off the stools and retreated after him. And just like that it was quiet and dull again.

I pulled off my apron and crumbled it in my hands stepping towards my co-worker. "Hey your gona have to cover my shift." She pulled her head up and stared at me blankly. "For how long?" She stared with her eyebrows crinckled together freezing her actions. "Umm an hour or two." I palmed the crumbled bills on the counter shoving them in my front pocket. "Your not going to that show are you?" She said getting back to her work. I shook my head quickly running around the bar. "Yeah. Ill come back when its over. Plus Ill bring more buisness with me."

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