Chapter 2

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     We ate our dinner in silence, all the time avoiding one anothers' gaze.  I made eye contact with my mom a few times, but my dad refused to look at me.  I guess I should of taken this into consideration before I answered his 'How was school' question over enthusiastically. 

    " I loved it!  We went ice-skating during lunch and we kept  trying to throw each other down! It was hilarious!!"

    "But not enough fun, I assume.  Since you just had to go to that party as well, " yup, I shouldn't have said that... I tried a different approach.

     " I'm sorry dad,  I admit I had known there would be alcohol there, but I didn't know there would've been drugs there, too. So you can't blame me for everything!" My dad gave me a look of thunder.Uh-oh, here we go again.

     " YOU THINK THAT'S GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME?" His face is red. That's not a good sign, at least it's not purple though.   " I HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF YOU EVERY SINGLE DAY OF MY LIFE, GOING TO WORK, AND IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT FOR  INDEPENDENTLY GOING TO A PARTY?!" Oh no, it's blue. Please don't turn purple. Please don't turn purple. Please don't turn purple. Please don't turn purple!  " YOU KNOW WHAT? I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU!  WE'RE MOVING YOU TO BOARDING SCHOOL!"

It's purple.

    " But dad! All my friends are here! I can't just leave all of a sudden! I can't just go to boarding school  HALFWAY AROUND THE WORLD!   You can't make me! "

     " Yes, I can actually. I'm booking you a flight to California for tomorrow. You better start packing now. "  I didnt budge.  " NOW!!!"  I took off up the stairs to the attic.  Deciding that I had to call all my friends and run away tonight,  I groaned when my dad called me back down again.  " Honey, " he oozed with false sweetness, " don't try to scoot it, because if you do I'll just cal the cops and punish you when you get home.  You of all people should know how angry I can get. Set your alarm for four!"

-------------------   Next Morning ------------------------------------------------

        My stupid alarm clock went off, waking me up at 3:30 so I could get ready, I didn't get much sleep last night, because I kept on having nightmares about what my dad has and will do to me in the future.   The future.  I wonder if there will ever be a future. I can't believe I'm going to California.  Who am I going to be friends with?  What if somehow, they find out what happened to me here?


  "NOOO!!!  Please! Ian! Stop it!  Don't do this!" I  yelled as he shoved me onto the bed, hands bound behind my back.

  "Whyy S-s-s-should I? We're alreaaady having sooooo  much fuuun," he slurred, giving me a sly look.

  "Iann!  You're drunk!! wait, what? I can't hear you! HELP ME!!  I'm fading...I can't... see you..".

*End of Flashback*

   I heard something ringing next to my bedside table.  " Ughh" I groan. Who is it now?

"Hel-lo?" I sighed.

 "Uh hi." A gruff male voice replied. " Is this Jade? Jade Fereldsman?"

Oh hell to the no, he did not just get my name wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2014 ⏰

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